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“大众创业,万众创新”(以下简称“双创”),是当今我国经济工作的主旋律之一。在经济发展进入新常态以及推进行政审批制度改革、简政放权的新形势下,中小会计师事务所面临着传统产业萎缩、传统企业生存艰难、传统会计服务需求减少的严峻现实。如何从传统会计服务向创新型会计服务转型、从服务于传统企业向服务于“双创”企业转型的过程中,寻找会计服务发展新的动力、新的机遇、新的增长点,已成为中小会计师事务所面临的迫切和现实的机遇和挑战。 “Mass entrepreneurship and innovation” (hereinafter referred to as “double creation”) are one of the main themes in our economic work today. Under the new situation of economic development entering the new normal and promoting the reform of the administrative examination and approval system and simplifying power and decentralization, small and medium-sized certified public accountants are confronted with the grim reality that traditional industries are shrinking, traditional enterprises struggle hard and the demand for traditional accounting services is reduced. How to transform from traditional accounting service to innovative accounting service? Looking for the new impetus, new opportunity and new growth point for the development of accounting service from the service of traditional enterprises to the service of “double creation” enterprises Become small and medium accounting firms face urgent and realistic opportunities and challenges.
作为中国的知识分子,我们应当学习了解自己的文化,并担当起传承我们文化的责任来。因此,我认为国学是我必须要补的一课。 As Chinese intellectuals, we should learn to un
长城钻探党借自身优势,加强科技支撑,保增长、闯市场、保效益、降成本,危难之时,逆势而上,坚定地迈出了“长城”步伐。 Great Wall drilling party by its own advantages,
朴实、谦卑、平易近人,这是他给大家的直观印象;踏实、勤奋、无私奉献,这是他一心扑在工作上大家给予他的公正评价.rn “我一直以一个党员身份要求自己,尽我最大的能力为服
伪满时期 ,日伪在东北地区实施“蒙地奉上” ,即收回原有属清外藩蒙古的蒙地所有权 ;蒙地地租变成了地税。“蒙地奉上”后 ,获得巨大经济利益的伪满政权 ,为了表示安抚 ,不仅