Acute sensorineural hearing loss associated with peginterferon and ribavirin combination therapy dur

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qq350645682
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Peginterferon and ribavirin combination therapy for the treatment of hepatitis C virus (HCV) is well known to be associated with significant adverse effects. Sensorineural hearing loss, that in most cases is unilateral, has been repotted as a consequence of therapy with both non-pegylated and pegylated interferon (pegIFN) but is not a well-known adverse effect. We report a 45-year-old Caucasian woman who developed acute sensorineural hearing loss 2 mo after starting therapy with peglFN-a 2b and ribavirin for the treatment of chronic HCV, genotype la. She did not report the hearing loss to the hepatitis clinic until 1 mo, later whereupon therapy was promptly discontinued. Although her serum alanine aminotransferase (ALT) normalized and her HCV-RNA became undetectable after 12 wk of peglFN and ribavirin therapy, after discontinuation, her HCV-RNA became detectable with significant elevations of serum ALT. Four months after initial discontinuation, the patient re-commenced peglFN and ribavirin combination therapy. After 44 of 48 wk of therapy, the patient’s liver biochemistry has normalized and the HCV-RNA is undetectable. She has not developed worsening of her hearing loss and hearing on the left-side is unaffected. Both patients and physicians should be aware that sensorineural hearing loss may occur with peglFN therapy. Our experience suggests that re-institution of therapy is not always associated with further hearing impairment. Peginterferon and ribavirin combination therapy for the treatment of hepatitis C virus (HCV) is well known to be associated with significant adverse effects. We report a 45-year-old Caucasian woman who developed acute sensorineural hearing loss 2 mo after starting therapy with peglFN-a 2b and ribavirin for the treatment of chronic HCV , genotype la. She did not report the hearing loss to the hepatitis clinic until 1 mo, later whereupon therapy was promptly discontinued. Although her serum alanine aminotransferase (ALT) normalized and her HCV-RNA became undetectable after 12 weeks of peglFN and ribavirin therapy , after discontinuation, her HCV-RNA became detectable with significant elevations of serum ALT. Four months after initial discontinuation, the patient re-commenced peglFN and riba virin combination therapy. After 44 of 48 wk of therapy, the patient’s liver biochemistry has normalized and the HCV-RNA is undetectable. She has not developed worsening of her hearing loss and hearing on the left-side is unaffected. Both patients and physicians should be aware that sensorineural hearing loss may occur with peglFN therapy. Our experience suggests that re-institution of therapy is not always associated with further hearing impairment.
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