1997年9月4日起,美国开始对挂靠美国港口的日本商船征收巨额罚款,日美海运战拉开帷幕,并立即成为国际新闻中的头等大事之一。时至今日,此事件虽已告平息,但它对于政治界、经济界和法律界的影响,颇值得研究。 欲了解这一争端的来龙去脉,有必要先了解这一争端的发起者——美国联邦海事委员会(TheFederal Maritime Commis-sion)。联邦海事委员会(以下简称FMC)是一个颇为独特的机构,其核心为5名委员,均由总统提名,由
As of September 4, 1997, the United States began to impose huge fines on Japanese merchant ships affiliated to the U.S. ports and the Japan-US Maritime War was launched. It immediately became one of the top priorities in the international news. Although this incident has been brought to an end now, its impact on the political, economic and legal circles deserves study. To understand the context of this dispute, it is necessary to first understand the originator of the dispute - the Federal Maritime Commission (TheFederal Maritime Commis-sion). The Federal Maritime Commission (hereinafter referred to as the FMC) is a rather unique institution with a core of five members nominated by the president from