
来源 :中国改革 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chenzhuqing
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去年“七一”,本刊发表了“井冈新故事”,介绍江西省井冈山市委认真推行民意测验和公开考试决定干部任免的经验。今年“七一”,本刊特意推出南平安排千名干部下农村任职的经验。在一般人看来,南平下派干部到农村去的做法了无新意。但“世界上怕就怕认真二字,共产党就最讲认真”,南平人至少是认真的;尤其重要的经验是在“三个代表”思想的指引下,明确由党委组织部主管、一把手亲自抓。江泽民总书记“5·31”重要讲话强调,贯彻“三个代表”的要求,关键在坚持与时俱进,核心在保持党的先进性,本质在坚持执政为民。而南平经验充分体现了只有共产党才能代表农民利益的原则。实践也再次证明了,实现人民群众的利益是党的一切工作的出发点和归宿。其实,我们面临的“三农”问题,大部分是历史遗留的老问题,恐怕还是老办法更有效。 Last year, “July 1,” published “Jinggang new story,” introduced Jinggangshan City, Jiangxi Province, a serious public opinion poll test and open examination decided cadre appointment and removal of experience. This year, “1 July”, this magazine deliberately launched a cadre deployment in Nanping cadres in rural areas experience. In ordinary people’s opinion, the practice of sending cadres in Nanping to the countryside has nothing new. However, “the world is afraid of being afraid of serious words, and the Communist Party is the most serious about it.” Nanping people are at least serious. Particularly important experience is that under the guidance of the “three represents,” the party committee heads and leaders Grab. In his important speech “May 31”, General Secretary Jiang Zemin stressed: The key to implementing the requirements of the “three represents” is adhering to advancing with the times. The core is maintaining the advanced nature of the party, and the essence is persisting in assuming power for the people. The Nanping experience fully embodies the principle that only the Communist Party can represent the interests of peasants. Practice has proved once again that the realization of the interests of the people is the starting point and destination of all the Party’s work. In fact, most of the problems we face facing the “three rural issues” are old issues left behind by history. I am afraid that the old approach is still more effective.
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