Light the torch of scientific dreams for teenagers

来源 :Knowledge is Power | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liangdd1984
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  "Knowledge is power" has published its 500th issue since founded. 500 issue means the 500 steps a magazine took to cast their history. In the past 58 years, "knowledge is power" has experienced the marvelous courses of disseminating scientific knowledge and lighting the scientific dreams among Chinese people, especially the hundreds millions of teenagers.
  1."knowledge is power" has made big contribution to the science enterprise for our country
  2."Knowledge is power" represents the universal truth of human society’s development
  a, knowledge is the power of the pursuit of life value.
  b, knowledge is the power of promoting social progress.
  c, knowledge is the power of revitalizing China and the benefiting the people.
  3.making efforts to be the scientific torch which spreading scientific knowledge and lighting the dreams in the new era.
  a, strive to become the torch which lighting the teenagers’ scientific dream.
  b, try to become a window in disseminating the knowledge of the latest technology.
  c, strive to become a position to carry forward the scientific spirit.
  d strive to become a pioneer to promoting the informatization of popular science.
  e, strive to develop a scientific talent base.
  (This paper is about the talk made by China’s vice President Li Yuanchao on July 25 in 2014 during the research at the "knowledge is power" magazine.)
  Vice President of China research the magazine of "knowledge is power
  On July 25, 2014, the central politburo member and vice President Li Yuanchao investigated the "knowledge is power" magazine, the party secretary of China association for science and technology research Shang Yong accompanied Mr. Li and presided over the exchange activites. The "Knowledge is power" magazine was founded since 1956, and has issued 500 issues. During the investigation, the vice chairman Li Yuanchao read the magazines in the showroom of the "knowledge is power" magazine, saw the development of the publication, watched the display of the all media platform products, and had friendly exchanged activity with the editors, authors and readers.
  On behalf of the party group and the secretariat of China association for science and technology, the secretary Shang Yong expressed the heartfelt thanks to the vice president Li Yuanchao, showed the warm welcome to the other comrades in the research activities.
  Mr Li fully affirmed that the "knowledge is power" has made great contributions to the development in science of our country. He said the General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that "knowledge is power, the talent is the future" once again on this year’s congress of members of both houses. Knowledge is power, this is the universal truth of human society. Knowledge is the power of the pursuit of life value, the power to promoting social progress, as well as the power of the revitalization of the Chinese and benefiting the people. We should test, update, develop and manage knowledge in practice, making knowledge become the positive energy which is good for life, people and our country.   The vice chairman Li Yuanchao pointed out that the future of science depends on teenagers, the magazine should see the teenagers as the first service object and become the torch which light the teenagers’scientific dreams, the window to spread the latest scientific knowledge, the position to promote the scientific spirit, the vanguard to promote the informationization of popular science and the base to cultivate the popular science talents, therefore the magazine will make due contribution to promote scientific development, accelerate the construction of an innovative nation. It is hoped that the China Association for Science and Technology will pay special attention to the construction of "knowledge is power" and other popular science positions based on the needs of an innovative country, and push forward the transformation, innovation and leapfrog development of the science.
  On behalf of the China Association, Xu Yanhao, the Party member of China Association for Science and Technology, the secretary of the secretariat and the director of the editorial committee of "knowledge is power" reported the situation that the China Association for Science and Technology was comprehensively promoting the change of the issue to Mr. Li.
  In June of 2013, according to the instruction from the Vice President Li Yuanchao, the China Association for Science and Technology made a special work plan, set up a working group, carried out researches for many times, clarified the working train of thought and cleared the idea of journal. After revision, the "knowledge is power" firmly grasps the young readers as the main service object, serves the country in scientific innovation driven development strategy, pays equal attention to the print media and the network new media, the magazine made a beneficial attempt, and has obtained remarkable achievement.
  The former director of the "Knowledge is power" magazine editorial office, Wang Mailin introduced the initial editing ideas of the beginning of the magazine. The magazine took "foreign serve China" as the early principle, mainly translated and introduced the articles on the world's emerging science and technology, new inventions and new discovery to serve our socialist construction. She expressed her congratulations on behalf of the older editing workers of the magazine, as the magazine starts its new journey on popular science with a new look, promoting the influence in the way of new media.
  The president and chief editor of "Knowledge is power" Guo Jing introduced the development course and breakthrough of building the whole media platform and realizing the popular science informationization. Since 2013, the magazine has established the strategic direction of the integrative development of traditional media and new media, set up the market operation mechanism, and set up a full media platform with brand new ideas. The magazine makes efforts to promote scientific informationization, integrates with the new media and market operating mechanism closely, sets up modern enterprise system, implements the cross-regional, cross-trade and cross-media cluster development.   Ouyang Ziyuan, the Chinese Academy of Sciences Academician reviewed how he was enlightened and accompanied by the "knowledge is power" magazine, and finally set foot on the road of scientific research. Academician Ouyang said, the "knowledge is power" magazine after revision has set up a platform for the exchange between the youth science enthusiasts and scientists, and built a bridge of science exchange.
  Yang Jianzhao, the student from Beijing Fourth Middle School said his parents had subscribed the journal “knowledge is power” for him since his third grade of primary school. Earlier this year, he saw the new facelift "knowledge is power" in the school’s Science and Technology Club activity, which made him excited. He said that the magazine after revision had richer contents, was more informative, and closer to the young students’science and cognitive level, and can meet the demand of young students on science knowledge. He hoped to contribute to the magazine after entering the university and contribute his own strength for popular science career.
  The Secretary Shang Yong made a summary statement for this exchange activity on behalf of the. He pointed out that the Vice President Li Yuanchao had deep hope on the science popularization work, and put forward high requirements, Mr. Li’s speech spirit had a strong guiding significance not only on the work of "knowledge is power", but also on the whole science popularization work, the work of association for science and technology, and even the entire work of Science and Technology. Shang secretary asked the Chinese Association for Science and Technology to seriously learn and implement the vice chairman Li Yuanchao’s speech spirit, and hoped the magazine to be courageous enough to probe into the innovation in the new era, walk a new way of innovation and development of popular science magazine, play its role in popular science in the new period, to make the flag of science more bright-coloured.
  The Party Member and Director of the General Office of Wu Haiying accompanied in the research, relevant personnels of the investigation and propaganda department, Popular Science Department and the Science Press Department of China Association for Science and Technology also took part in the survey.
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