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省九届人大三次会议新闻热点,并引起社会各界关注的问题,就是四会市在北江边南江工业园建电镀城,佛山市代表团25位代表就此向省环保局提出质询。质询的目的,是监督作为环保执法主体——省环保局是否依法行政,严格执法。依法行政是依法治国的核心和关键,是行政部门行使职权的基本准则。依法行政主体是行政机关及其公务员。有的行政机关及其公务员口头上讲依法行政,但实际上却缺乏这一观念。宪法和法律授予行政机关管理经济和管理社会的权力,实际上就是赋予行政机关的义务和责任,行政机关不能认为可以依法行政,也可以不依法行政,而是必须尽一切力量去保证依法行政。这一依法行政的观念必须牢固树立起来,把千百万人民群众的利益牢牢地放在心上。去年,省环保局收到省人大常委会转来钟信才等代表《关于要求省政府责成四会市在南江工业园内禁止建设电镀、漂染、造纸等有严重污染的企业项目的建议》后,派员到四会市调查,不仅知道环评报告未出,也知道没有征询佛山市的意见,但对建电镀城未作有效处理,整个过程执法不严,监督不力。这实质上是放弃职权,不依法行政,不履行义务和职责,是一种失职行为,代表们当然有权进行质询,质询省环保局有没有依法行政。 The news hot spot of the Third Session of the Ninth National People’s Congress and caused the concern of all walks of life in the society was that Sihui City built an electroplating city in the Nanjiang Industrial Park in Beijiang River. 25 representatives of Foshan delegation raised questions to the provincial Environmental Protection Bureau. The purpose of the inquiry is to supervise as the main body of law enforcement of environmental protection - whether the provincial EPA administers the law according to law and strictly enforces the law. Administration by law is the core and key to governing the country according to law and is the basic guideline for the executive branch to exercise its powers. The main body of administration according to law is the administrative organ and its civil servants. Some administrative organs and their civil servants verbally administer according to law, but they actually lack this concept. The power granted by the Constitution and the law to the executive authorities to administer the economy and manage the society is actually the obligation and responsibility granted to the executive authorities. The executive authorities can not think that they can rule according to law or administer according to law, but must do everything in their power to ensure administration according to law. This concept of administering the country according to law must be firmly established and the interest of millions of people must be firmly in mind. Last year, the provincial Environmental Protection Bureau received a letter from the Standing Committee of the Provincial People’s Congress on behalf of Zhong Xincai and other representatives on “asking the provincial government to order the city of Sihui in Nanjiang Industrial Park to prohibit the construction of electroplating, bleaching and dyeing, papermaking and other serious pollution projects of the enterprise proposal”, the faction The investigation into Sihui City not only revealed that the EIA report was not available, but also knew that there was no consultation with Foshan City. However, it failed to effectively deal with the electroplating city. The entire process of enforcement was lax and supervision was not effective. This is essentially a waiver of authority, administration without law and non-compliance with obligations and duties. It is a kind of dereliction of duty that deputies of course have the right to conduct inquiries and inquire whether the provincial Environmental Protection Bureau has conducted administration according to law.
在视网膜脱离术前、术后应用国内研制01%双氯芬酸钠滴眼剂(35例),同时用生理盐水设置对照组(31例)。结果表明此药可以有效地防止术中瞳孔缩小及减轻术后炎症反应。 Before and after r
财社字〔 2000〕 41号 各省、自治区、直辖市财政厅 (局 ),新疆生产建设兵团:   为进一步做好中央财政拨付各地对煤炭、有色、军工等困难企业以及华侨农 (林 )场、新疆生产建