
来源 :山东农业大学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:longyouxi
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发展井灌是保证农业稳产高产的重要措施之一。如何合理利用地下水资源,开发黄淮海中低产田,避免土壤碱化,应用和保护现有的土地资源,挖掘土壤生产潜力?我们对山东定陶县自60年代以来发展井灌的情况进行调研分析,以期为此提供一些依据。1 灌水年限对土壤碱化度的影响定陶县的井水属弱矿化水,绝大部分井水的残余碳酸钠的含量高,可溶性钠的百分率也高,大部分水样的钠/镁+钙大于1。调查发现,不同质地的土壤,无论井灌时间长短,土壤代换性钠、碱化度、pH值、总碱度等均比未井灌土壤增加(表1)。由表可见,重质土其代换性钠、碱化 Development of well irrigation is one of the important measures to ensure stable and high-yield agriculture. How to make rational use of groundwater resources, develop medium and low-yield fields in the Huang-Huai-Hai region, avoid the alkalization of the soil, apply and protect the existing land resources, and tap the potential of soil production? Through investigation and analysis of the well irrigation in Dingtao County, Shandong Province since the 1960s, In order to provide some basis for this. Effect of Irrigation Years on Soil Alkalinity The well water in Dingtao County is a weak mineralized water. Most of the well water has high content of residual sodium carbonate and high percentage of soluble sodium. Most of the water samples have sodium / magnesium + Calcium is greater than 1. The survey found that irrigated soils with different textures increased soil replacement sodium, alkalinity, pH and total alkalinity compared with those without irrigation (Table 1), irrespective of the time of well irrigation. Can be seen from the table, heavy soil replacement sodium, alkalization
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