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课堂上,我们正在学习《雪地里的小画家》一课。读到“小鸡画竹叶,小狗画梅花。小鸭画枫叶,小马画月牙”时,我问:“同学们,读到这里你的脑海里出现了什么?你有什么想说的话?”话音刚落,学生纷纷发言:“我感觉太棒了,我怎么没发现在雪地上有这么美的画呢!”“真是太神奇了!这些不会用笔的小动物竟然也能画出这样美的画。”“这群小动物真可爱。”“我真想成为他们中的 In class, we are learning a Lesson in the Snow class. When I read ”Little Bamboo Draws Bamboo Leaves, Little Pups Draw Plum Blossoms, Little Duck Draws Maple Leaves, Little Pony Draws Crescent Moon,“ I asked: ”My classmates, read what happened to your mind and what did you have? Want to say? “Voice faded, the students have to speak: ” I feel great, how did I not find such a beautiful picture in the snow! “” It is amazing! These will not use the pen Small animals can even draw such a beautiful painting. “” This group of animals is really cute. “” I really want to be among them
The floating point number is the most commonly used real number representation for digital computations due to its high precision characteristics.It is used on
An efficient search method is desired for calligraphic characters due to the explosive growth of calligraphy works in digital libraries.However,traditional opti
膜下滴灌是节水灌溉技术中的重要措施。随着气候条件的变化,水资源不断匮乏,已经进一步制约了棉花产业的发展。非充分灌溉是依据水资源紧缺与水分利用率低的问题而提出的。如何在膜下滴灌条件下进一步节水,使棉花能够正常生长且产量之间无显著差异,已经成为棉花生产可持续发展的重要研究内容。本试验以“新陆中54号”为材料,采用裂区试验设计,主区为总灌溉量,分别为2800 m~3/hm~2(非充分灌溉)和3800 m
We develop a multi-objective model in a multi-product inventory system.The proposed model is a joint replenishment problem (JRP) that has two objective function