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今年,奇台县人民检察院为了加强党风廉政建设,树立良好的国家工作人员形象,按照最高人民检察院与各部、委(局)共同开展预防职务犯罪工作的通知精神,有步骤地在该县重点行业和部门共同开展了预防犯罪工作,切实有效地从机制上和源头上预防和治理腐败,推进廉政建设。其具体做法是:一、加强领导。该县检察院党组对预防职务犯罪工作非常重视,将其提到重要议事日程上来抓。在反贪局内部专门设立了预防职务犯罪科,并设科长一名,主抓预防职务犯罪工作。二、加大预防职务犯罪工作的宣传力度。检察院与县委宣传部、纪检委、广播电视局等部门加强联系,定期不定期地制作预防职务犯罪公益广告,出动宣传车进行宣传,扩大了预防职务犯罪工作的宣传面。三、开展预防职务犯罪专题讲座。在今年第一季度,检察院在县工商局、奇台林场、地税局、国 This year, Qitai County People’s Procuratorate in order to strengthen the building of a clean government, establish a good image of state staff, in accordance with the Supreme People’s Procuratorate and the ministries, commissions (commissions) jointly carry out the spirit of notice to prevent job-related crimes, step by step in the county focus Industries and departments jointly launched crime prevention activities to effectively and effectively prevent and control corruption from a mechanism and source level and promote the building of an honest and clean government. The specific approach is: First, to strengthen leadership. The county procuratorate party attaches great importance to the prevention of job-related crimes, will be referred to the important agenda. Within the Anti-Corruption Bureau, a crime prevention duty crime department has been set up and a section chief is set up. The chief task is to prevent crime in office. Second, to step up publicity to prevent job-related crimes. Procuratorate and county Party Committee Propaganda Department, discipline inspection commission, radio and television bureau and other departments to strengthen contact, regular non-regular production of public service ads to prevent crimes, advocacy car out propaganda, to expand the prevention of job-related crime propaganda. Third, carry out preventive lectures on job-related topics. In the first quarter of this year, the procuratorate in the county Trade and Industry Bureau, Qitai Forestry Center, the Inland Revenue Department, the country
举报锁定犯罪嫌疑人 2003年8月15日上午,江苏省徐州市人民检察院渎职侵权检察处处长浩继光照例开始了忙碌的一天。随着一阵敲门声,一个神色焦急的举报人跨进门来,气愤地举报
近日,英特尔公司宣布已通过旗下“英特尔资本(Intel Capital)向人工智能初创企业注入超过10亿美元的资金。而在不久前的9月13日,苹果公司发布的新机IPhone X采用的人脸识别技