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这套译丛主要收录20世纪末西方学术界一些深有影响、代表西方学术发展的方向,同时又没有引起国内学术界足够关注的学术著作。作为学术名著,除了极高的学术价值和知识创新以外,还有一个重要的标准,就是必须得到学术界的认可。一本著作要得到学术界的认可,基本的条件就是必须假以时日,有足够的时间来验证其学术观点和学术价值。严格地说,90年代以后出版的这些著作,从时间上说还不具备称得上名著的资格。所以,本译丛所收录 This set of translations mainly contains some influential western academic circles at the end of the 20th century, which represent the direction of academic development in the West. At the same time, there are no academic works that have drawn enough attention from domestic academic circles. As an academic masterpiece, in addition to the extremely high academic value and knowledge innovation, there is an important criterion that must be recognized by academics. A book to be recognized by the academic community, the basic condition is that we must take time, have enough time to verify their academic point of view and academic value. Strictly speaking, these works published after the 90s, in terms of time, do not have the qualifications that make them famous. Therefore, this translation bundle included
We present a scheme to simulate SH-wave propagation in a whole-Earth model with arbitrary lateral heterogeneities employing the Fourier pseudospectral method. W
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