
来源 :吉林粮食高等专科学校学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:leeo_1987
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近年来根据国家教委关于“两课”改革的精神和我校的具体情况,我们在从事中国革命史教学实践中,对教学内容和教学方法及教学形式等方面都做了许多有益的尝试,并取得了初步成效,尤其在专题教学法方面取得的教学效果较为明显。但通过几年的实践我们感到这种教学方法与目前的考试制度存在着尖锐的矛盾,它已不适应专题教学的形式,应对此进行改革1.存在的问题1.1目前的考试制度与专题教学目的的矛盾 中国革命史的考试制度与其它专业课无大区别,客观性、一次性考试居主导地位。从卷面试题看:其中,第一题选择填空(10%);第二题辨析(20%),第三题简答(20%),第四题问答(30%),第五题论述(20%)。第1~4题主要是考核学生掌握历史知识的一般情况,占总成绩的80%。第五题是理论联系实际题,只占总 In recent years, according to the spirit of the “Two Courses” reform of the State Education Commission and the specific conditions of our university, we have done many beneficial attempts in the teaching of Chinese revolutionary history, teaching content, teaching methods and teaching forms, etc. The preliminary results have been achieved. The teaching effect obtained especially in the thematic teaching method is obvious. However, after several years of practice, we feel that there is a sharp contradiction between this teaching method and the current examination system. It has not adapted to the form of thematic teaching and should be reformed. 1. Existing problems 1.1 The current system of examinations and special purpose of teaching Contradictions The examination system of the Chinese revolutionary history has no big difference from other specialized courses, objectivity, and one-off examinations dominate. From the volume of test questions: Among them, the first question to choose to fill in the blank (10%); the second question discrimination (20%), the third question short answer (20%), the fourth question and answer (30% (20%). Questions 1 to 4 are mainly about students' mastery of the historical knowledge of the general situation, accounting for 80% of the total score. The fifth question is the theory of practical problems, only the total
目的 观察 17β -雌二醇对大鼠血管内皮细胞一氧化氮合酶 (NOS)活性的影响。 方法 用贴壁法和无酚红 164 0培养基培养大鼠血管内皮细胞 ,在 10nmol的 17β -雌二醇作用下 ,
目的 :采用高效液相色谱法分离测定香荷药条中的小檗碱和巴马亭。方法 :固定相为 BDS C1 8,5μm,4 .9m m× 2 5 0 mmHPL C柱 ;流动相为乙腈—水 ( 1∶ 1,每 10 0 0 m L中含 K
先天性食管闭锁是极其严重的消化道畸形。欧美国家发生率甚高,据 Shaw 氏统计,其发生率为出生婴儿的1/3000。国内报导很少,仅见石美鑫氏及余亚雄氏二篇。我院自1957年到1973
目的 :建立洁阴灵中醋酸氯己定和氧氟沙星含量检测方法。方法 :采用双波长分光光度法 ,在波长 2 5 5 ,2 69.4nm处 ,测定醋酸氯己定含量。在波长 3 2 6nm处 ,测定氧氟沙星含量
据Decision Resources的一项最新研究,1999年美国用于治疗变应性鼻炎的处方药的销售额为37亿美元,占世界7个主要医药市场(美国,法国,德国,意大利,西班牙,英国和日本)总销售额的80%。Sohering-Plough公司的氯雷他定(lor According to