传播交际写作概要 第十二讲 礼仪文体写作

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礼仪,指礼节和表示敬意、礼貌及庆典的仪式。礼仪是人类进入文明时期用来调节人际以及民族、集团、国家之间关系的润滑剂,是社会进步的标尺和滑轮。作为一个文明古国,我国在社会主义精神文明中继承遗产、借鉴外国,发展形成了一系列礼仪。在各种公私礼仪活动中,有一些属于“礼”的范畴的文字,用以表示礼貌、适应仪式,或借以传播礼仪的思想感情内涵,或促进社会交际活动,产生了相关的文体。如,在大小庆典、喜庆节日、竣工开业、胜利成功、会议开幕、访问参观、结婚祝寿以及老人逝世等,为表示欢乐、喜悦、祝贺、劝勉、安慰、鼓励、感谢,以及指点方向、寄托哀思,或者纯属“外交性”礼貌行为,就要写一些礼仪文字。特别是负点责任的干部、管理人员或捉刀代笔的文秘人员。这类文字运用得当,可以增进友谊、加深沟通,在社会内部增强团结,增加凝聚 Etiquette, means etiquette and respect, courtesy and ceremonies. Manners are the lubricants used by mankind during the civilizations to regulate interpersonal relations, as well as the relations among nations, groups and nations. They are the rulers and pulleys of social progress. As an ancient civilized country, our country inherits the legacy in the socialist spiritual civilization, draws lessons from foreign countries and develops a series of etiquette. In various public and private ceremonial activities, there are some words belonging to the category of “courtesy”, which are used to express politeness, adapt to ceremonies, or spread the ideological and emotional connotation of ceremonies or to promote social communicative activities and produce relevant style. For example, we would like to express our joy, joy, congratulation, exhortation, comfort, encouragement, appreciation, and direction in the celebration of large and small festivals, festive festivals, the successful completion of the opening ceremony, the successful victories, the opening of the conference, visits to visit, weddings and death of the elderly, , Or purely “diplomatic” polite behavior, we must write some etiquette. Especially those responsible cadres, managers or secretarial secretarial staff. Appropriate use of such written language can enhance friendship, deepen communication, enhance solidarity and increase cohesion within society
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一、问题的提 出 成本核算是公 路企事业生存和发 展的一项重要工 作、这是大家共识 的。但是,据笔者调 查,我区在公路工 程成本核算方面是 非常薄弱的,如不 少单位存在月不