
来源 :青海统计 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qrdao
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上半年,青海省居民消费价格总水平比去年同期上涨2.3%(其中城市上升1.6%。农村上升4.0%),比全国平均水平0.6%(城市0.5%,农村0.7%)高1.7个百分点,位居第二,列内蒙古之后。一、上半年居民消费价格总水平小幅上升分月看,居民消费价格总水平分别比去年同期上涨2.0%、2.4%、3.2%、2.7%、2.2%、1.1%。分八大类看,二降、六升,它们分别是烟酒及用品类下降1.0%、交通和通讯类下降1.1%;食品类上升3.1%、衣着类上升0.8%、家庭设备及用品维修服务上升0.1%、医疗保健和个人用品上升9.9%,(其中医疗保健服务价格上升111.4%)娱乐教育文化用品服务上升0.9%、居住上升0.4%。从构成看,消费品价格运行结束了去年全年同比价格持续下降的局面,上半年同比上升0.8%,服务项目价格刚性上涨,上半年同比上升6.6%,其呈现出以下特点: (一)食品类价格上升幅度较大今年以来,食品类价格一直上升幅度较大,1、2月份处于传统的消费旺季,元旦、春节、元宵节均匀分 In the first half of this year, the overall consumer price index of Qinghai Province rose by 2.3% over the same period of last year (including 1.6% in urban areas and 4.0% in rural areas), 1.7 percentage points higher than the national average of 0.6% (0.5% in urban areas and 0.7% in rural areas) Habitat second, after the Inner Mongolia. First, in the first half of the year, the overall level of consumer prices rose slightly. On the monthly basis, the overall consumer price index rose by 2.0%, 2.4%, 3.2%, 2.7%, 2.2% and 1.1% respectively over the same period of last year. There were eight major categories, two lower and six liters, respectively, representing a decrease of 1.0% in tobacco, alcoholic beverages and supplies, 1.1% in transportation and communications, 3.1% in food, 0.8% in garments, and an increase in home equipment and supplies maintenance services 0.1%. Health care and personal products increased by 9.9%. (Among them, the price of health care services increased by 111.4%.) Entertainment, education and stationery products increased by 0.9% and dwelling increased by 0.4%. From the perspective of composition, the operation of consumer prices ended the year-on-year price decline last year. In the first half of 2008, the prices of service items increased by 0.8% year-on-year. The prices of service items increased rigidly by 6.6% in the first half of the previous year, showing the following characteristics: Prices have risen significantly this year, food prices have been rising, January and February in the traditional consumer season, New Year’s Day, Spring Festival, Lantern Festival are evenly divided