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为了交流内疗素大面积应用的经验,中国农林科学院原子能利用研究所于1975年8月15日至22日,在辽宁省北票县召开了“北方地区内疗素防治谷子黑穗病现场会”。参加会议的有来自东北、西北、华北等17个省、市、自治区的农业部门领导干部、贫下中农以及生产、教学、科研单位的科技人员共103人。会议认真学习了毛主席关于理论问题的重要指示,传达国务院领导同志关于农业学大寨,发展农业生产的讲话,参观了北票县姜家窝铺公社、桃花吐公社、台吉营公社、大三家公社、朝阳县凌北公社等单位用内疗素防治谷子黑穗病的现场和北票县微生物研究所的内疗素中试生产车间。通过大会和小组座谈,广泛交流了内疗素防治谷子黑穗病的经验,并对其防治效果进行了充分讨论。 In order to exchange large-scale application experience of endothelin, the Institute of Atomic Energy Utilization, Chinese Academy of Agriculture and Forestry, held the on-the-spot meeting on prevention and treatment of millet head smut in Northern China from August 15 to 22, 1975 in Beipiao County, Liaoning Province. ". There were 103 scientific and technological personnel from leading cadres of agricultural departments, poor and middle peasants from poor and middle peasants, and production, teaching and research institutes from 17 provinces, cities and autonomous regions in the northeast, northwest and north China. The session seriously studied Chairman Mao’s important instructions on theoretical issues, conveyed the speeches delivered by the leading comrades of the State Council on the study of agriculture in Dazhai and the development of agricultural production. He visited the villages of Jiangjiawopu, Beipu County, Peach Blossom Commune, Commune, Lingbei commune and other units Chaoyang County with the internal control of millet smut site and Beipiao County Institute of Microbiology of the pilot production workshop. The symposium and panel discussion extensively exchanged the experiences of endothelin in controlling millet smut and made a full discussion of its control effect.
(题后括弧内前一数字是期数,后一数字是页数)普及大寨县……………………………(12.2)全党动员,大办农业,为普及大寨县 而奋斗……………………………(12.4) 总 论儒法两家在
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