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2008年10月通过的《中华人民共和国企业国有资产法》(以下简称《企业国有资产法》),将于2009年5月开始实施。截至2007年底,全国国有及国有控股(非金融)企业资产总额35.48万亿元,所有者权益14.83万亿元,实现利润17625亿元。全国人均净资产约1.1万元/人。这笔庞大优质的企业国有资产,是建国60年来我国人民辛勤积累的财富结晶。怎么管好企业国有资产,一直牵动着社会各界的目光,意义十分重大。古谚说“徒去不足以自行’’”法立而不行,与无去等’’。如果不能得到很好的实施,不仅影响法律的效力,更损害法律的权威和尊严。当前,必须重点抓好《企业国有资产法》实施工作的五个关键。 The Law of the People’s Republic of China on State-owned Assets (hereinafter referred to as the “Law on State-owned Assets of Enterprises”) passed in October 2008 will be implemented in May 2009. By the end of 2007, the total assets of the state-owned and state-controlled (non-financial) enterprises in the country totaled 35.48 trillion yuan, with the owner’s equity of 14.83 trillion yuan and the realized profits of 1.7625 trillion yuan. The per capita net assets of about 11,000 yuan / person. This huge and high-quality state-owned assets of the enterprise is the result of the accumulation of hard assets of our people in the 60 years since the founding of New China. How to manage the state-owned assets of enterprises has been affecting the eyes of all sectors of society, which is of great significance. The ancient saying goes, “Only enough to go their own way,” "law does not work, and no go ’. If not well implemented, not only affect the effectiveness of the law, but also undermine the authority and dignity of the law. At present, we must focus on the five key issues in the implementation of the Law on State-owned Assets of Enterprises.
综合介绍了聚合物及其短纤维颗粒填充复合材料的磨料磨损特性,主要叙述磨料特性、聚合物的性能、复合材料中的填充材料及试验条件对磨料磨损的影响和磨料磨损机理。 The abr
“Consumers shouldfirst require the produceror seller to assumewarranty responsibilityfor productquality, based onthe ”Bill“.Furthermore,consumersshould not
本文对玻璃钢声纳罩的材料性能与成型工艺的关系作了论述,也对无肋声纳导流罩的材料性能提出了看法。 In this paper, the relationship between the material properties a
1  升入高中,才发现高手如云。我一直对自己优异的成绩和伶牙俐齿的好口才很自信,但第一次考试后我却发现,一个不起眼的女孩,成绩居然超过了我。  她叫王晓,就坐在我后面。她的优秀,时刻让我感到沮丧。  我用挑剔的眼光审视她,很快就发现了她的缺点:说话慢吞吞,一着急就口吃。  口齿伶俐的我,开始拿她寻开心。虽然只是少年心性图一时高兴,但其实也是嫉妒她成绩好,想让她出丑的阴暗心理在作祟。  课间,我扭过
The current legal system of product quality guarantee in China,with the“Three Guarantees” as its main form,has not yet met the demands of economic andsocial