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树,代表着我的前生今世。不仅对我,对所有人来说都是如此。特别是设计师,不管其专业是景观园林,还是建筑设计、城市规划,都应该把树放在一个重要的位置,把对树的正确认识作为专业意识的起码标准。之所以如此,原因要一直追溯到远古。我的基本出发点是:设计无论大小,虽然都是针对当前的一时一事,却应该包含对人类漫长进化历程的整体理解。如果这一点能得到认同,那么设计师就不要以为自己是石头缝儿里蹦出来的孙猴子,和这块土地以及在此扎根的大树不沾亲不带故,可以把树拔了砍了挪了不管三七二十一随便瞎折腾。面对一块土地,着手工作之前,首先应该把人与土地的关系了解清楚,而这层关系间很重要的就是树。别拿小小的大树不当干粮,要知道,人和树有着解不开的因缘。根据考古或基因人类学的推论,人是几百万年前在树上采摘野果,之后才下到地面上来的。如果这事儿属实,那树就是人类祖宗那辈儿的,对人类有恩。先不管这理论 Tree, on behalf of my past and present. Not only for me but for all. Especially designers, regardless of their professional landscape architecture, or architectural design, urban planning, should put the tree in an important position, the correct understanding of the tree as the minimum standard of professional awareness. The reason, the reason must be traced back to ancient times. My basic starting point is that although designs are big and small, they are all aimed at the current moment but should include a holistic understanding of the long evolutionary process of mankind. If this can be recognized, then designers do not think they are stolen out of the stone monkey out of the monkey, and the land and the tree rooted in this do not take it, so you can pull the tree cut No matter thirty-seven twenty-one casual messing. In the face of a piece of land, before starting to work, we should first understand the relationship between man and land clearly, and what is important about this relationship is the tree. Do not get a small tree improper dry food, you know, people and trees have untold karma. According to archeology or genetic anthropology, people picked wild berries on trees for millions of years before they got down to the ground. If this is true, then the tree is the ancestor of that generation, human benevolence. Regardless of this theory
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