The Most Popular Hobbies in the World

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  Different people have different hobbies. Hobbies can make us enjoy our lives. Now, lets take a look at the most popular hobbies in the world.
  Reading.  People enjoy reading all over the world. Compared with traveling, reading books takes us to the world at a cheaper price. Reading can open up a whole new world for us.
  Collecting.  We feel comfortable when we have our favourite things around us. From stamps to dolls, there are so many things to collect.
  Music.  Music can relax ones body and mind. Music brings people together. From pop music to country music, everyone is sure to find their favorite music.
  ◆ 短語收藏
  1. open up 开启 2. so many 如此多3. feel comfortable 感到舒服 4. bring sb. together 把某人带到一起 5. 从……到…… 6. be sure to do sth. 确定做某事
  Choose the best answer.
  1. ____ is a cheap hobby and can open peoples mind.
  A. Travelling    B. Collecting    C. Reading    D. Music
  2. Most people like music because music can help people ____.
  A. taste some nice food            B. relax their lives
  C. chat with some famous people    D. make more money
  3. We feel ____ when we have our favorite things around, so we love collecting.
  A. strong    B. sad    C. comfortable    D. sleepy
  4. Which one is NOT True according to this article?
  A. Reading can open up a whole new world for us.
  B. Nobody likes to collect stamps.
  C. Different people have different hobbies.
  D. Music brings us together.
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【重点单词】  1. post n. & v.  post既可以用作名词,也可以用作动词,意为“邮政;邮寄”。例如:  If you could get the book, please send it to me by post. 如果你能得到那本书,请邮寄给我。  Do you mind posting a letter for me? 你能帮我寄封信吗?  【拓展】 postman意为“邮递
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