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来源 :思想政治工作研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:clj7724383
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去年以来,铁道部党组根据中宣部、国家计委和全国总工会的要求,结合铁路系统的实际,组织全系统职工扎实有效地开展“双基”教育。铁道部党组、政治部认为,“双基”教育是生动深刻的社会主义思想教育,是从根本上提高职工队伍素质,培育“四有”职工队伍的长远大计,是开创铁路思想政治工作新局面的一项基础性建设,必须下大决心,采取有力措施,一抓到底。铁路系统在统一各级领导思想、提高认识的基础上,采取了五条措施:一是就实施“双基”教育的指导思想、目的、内容、对象、方式、组织领导等问题。作了全面规划部署。全路建立了自上而下的、系统的、强有力的领导机构。各级党政工团组织明确分工,各负其责,形成了党委领导,行政支持,工会、共青团密切配合,齐 Since last year, in accordance with the requirements of the Central Propaganda Department, the State Development Planning Commission and the All-China Federation of Trade Unions, the party committee of the Ministry of Railways has organized “system-wide” education in a sound and effective manner in line with the actual railway system. The party group and the Political Department of the Ministry of Railways hold the view that education based on “two basics” is a vivid and profound socialist ideological education and is a long-term plan for fundamentally improving the quality of the workforce and cultivating a contingent of “four” staff members. It is also a new prospect for the ideological and political work in the railway industry. We must make a firm resolution and take effective measures to grasp the truth. On the basis of unifying leadership thoughts and raising awareness at all levels, the railway system has adopted five measures: First, the guiding ideology, purpose, content, objects, ways and organization and leadership of the “two basics” education are implemented. Made a comprehensive planning and deployment. Throughout the establishment of a top-down, systematic, strong leadership. Party and government work groups at all levels clear division of labor, each responsible for the formation of the party committee leaders, administrative support, trade unions, the Communist Youth League in close cooperation, Qi
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The swine effluent studied was collected from scale pig farms,located in Yujiang County of Jiangxi Province,China,and duckweed(Spriodela polyrrhiza) was selecte