A Cognitive Approach to Deictic Projection in Communicative Activities

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Deixis, as a complicated linguistic phenomenon and an indispensable part in our life, has attracted the attention of a lot of scholars both at home and abroad.As the main subfield of pragmatics, deixis plays a very important role within the domains of semantics and pragmatics.A general feature of deictic categories is their egocentricity.But there are various exceptions to this, in which deictic expressions are used in ways shift this deictic center to other participants, Lyons called this kind of phenomenon“deictic projection”.Traditional accounts of deixis cannot provide a convincing explanation for this phenomenon of deictic projection.Cognitive linguistics provides a new theoretical framework for the study of deixis, especially on deictic projection. Deixis, as a complicated linguistic phenomenon and an indispensable part in our life, has attracted the attention of a lot of scholars both at home and abroad. As the main subfield of pragmatics, deixis plays a very important role within the domains of semantics and pragmatics .A general feature of deictic categories is their egocentricity.But there are various exceptions to this, in which deictic expressions are used in ways shift this deictic center to other participants, Lyons called this kind of phenomenon “deictic projection ”. of deixis can not provide a convincing explanation for this phenomenon of deictic projection. Cognitive linguistics provides a new theoretical framework for the study of deixis, especially on deictic projection.
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