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周市长事先已经预定,我们是日傍西山时才到的,选择的是中等的画舫。还未上画肋,服务员小姐就前来迎接我们,满含春意地用她那柔弱无骨的嫩藕样的手将我们一一扶上船。自第一眼瞧见那女子,我见周市长眼睛一亮,不过瞬间也就平复如初。我想,文人多情,周市长也不能脱俗啊!更何况是绝色美女呢!那女子自称小蕾,很开放的一个,她一一引我们坐下后,便一边为我们酌茶上点心,一边说,欢迎各位帅哥莅临本船,从此就是小女子为帅哥们服务了,你们有什么需要,本女子一定设法满足。帅哥们的需要,就是本女子的幸福!说罢,给我们来了一个飞吻。见着女子如此放得开,我们一位作家说,此话当真?小蕾说,如若你发现有假,小女子就包赔给你了!这就引来我们一阵大笑。嘻笑一时,我们见落日倒影,天上水中两辉映;微风拂水,细浪粼粼泛波光;舢板悠悠,渔人鸬鹚正捕鱼……便都不由得发出一声感慨,说:多美的景色呀! Zhou mayor in advance has been scheduled, we arrived when the Western Hills, the choice of medium-sized boats. Not yet on the ribs, the waiter lady came to greet us, full of spring with her tender, tender and tender hands to help us one by one on board. I saw the woman from the first glance, I see Mayor Zhou eyes bright, but the moment will be calm as ever. I think scholar passionate, Zhou Mayor can not be refined ah! Not to mention the stunning beauty it! The woman claiming to be a small bud, very open one, she led us to sit down one by one, then we drink tea for dessert, On the other hand, we sincerely welcome you guys to visit our ship. From then on, the little girl serves the handsome guys. What do you need? The lady must try to satisfy. The needs of handsome, is the blessing of the woman! Speaking, to us a kiss. Seeing the woman so let go, one of our writers said that the words really? Xiaolei said, if you find a fake, the little girl on the package to pay you! This led to our laughter. Giggle moment, we see the reflection of the setting sun, the sky in the water two Hui Ying; breeze fushui, glittering waves of pan-bo light; slab board long, fisherman cormorant is fishing ... ... can not help but send out a loud feeling, saying: beautiful scenery Yeah!
美联储主席本·伯南克(Ben Bernanke)在最近关于长期经济潜力的演讲中说:“一些人说,我们仍处于IT革命的初期,从第一代个人计算机进入市场的30多年时间里,计算机速度和内存一
在一个仿照奥斯卡奖的颁奖典礼上,亚历山大·波利亚科夫(Alexander Polyakov)从演员摩根·弗里曼手中接过了2013年基础物理学奖.rn随着赢得数百万美元奖金后的激动渐渐平息,
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