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随着我国经济的飞速发展和教育改革力度的不断加大,人们越来越重视高中学生的教学情况,其中历史科目作为有别于其他课程的重要教学内容之一,更是受到了广泛的关注。想要提高历史教学质量,达到教育目的,就一定要实现课堂的互动教学,改变传统呆板枯燥的教育模式,实现师生的良性互动,从而促进教学质量的提高。本文就根据高中历史互动式课堂教学的现状,简单阐述一下其内涵和意义,并提出行之有效的对策完善教学,保证课堂的活跃度,提高高中历史教学质量。近年来,由于新课改的不断深入发展,人们对高中历史课堂教学的要求越来越高,面对这样的情形,教育部提出了加强历史课堂互动式教学的新要求。以往的高中历史教学一味地进行知识的灌输,完全忽略了学生的内在诉求,不注重课堂活跃度和学生学习的 With the rapid development of our economy and the increasing educational reform, people pay more and more attention to the teaching of high school students. As one of the important teaching contents that is different from other courses, the history subject has drawn more and more attention . If you want to improve the quality of history teaching and reach the goal of education, we must realize the interactive teaching in the classroom, change the traditional dull and dull education mode and realize the positive interaction between teachers and students so as to promote the improvement of teaching quality. Based on the present situation of high school history interactive classroom teaching, this article briefly elaborates its connotation and significance, and proposes effective measures to improve teaching, ensure the activity of classroom and improve the quality of history teaching in senior high school. In recent years, due to the continuous deepening of the new curriculum reform, people have become increasingly demanding of history teaching in senior high schools. In such a situation, the Ministry of Education has proposed new requirements for strengthening interactive teaching in history classes. The past history of high school teaching blindly carry out the inculcation of knowledge, completely ignoring the inner demands of students, do not pay attention to classroom activity and student learning
据1995年8月的《信息管理和计算机安全》杂志报道,澳大利亚墨尔本的图形计算机系统(GCS)公司开发出了MX消防站平台。该平台基于该公司的MX—peacemaker Sun Spanestation可
今年以来,全国已陆续发生 101起暴力袭警案件,其中民警在执行盘查、清查、押解及缉捕犯罪嫌疑人时,遭暴力袭击的有 80起,约占总数的 80%,牺牲民警 26人。仅七、八两月,北京就发生了
(一) 1996年12月间某支公司经理(29岁)、业务股长(31岁)、业务员(28岁)三人由经理授意并参与,业务股长与业务员经办,合伙编造假赔案共6起,金额数万元,然后采取假设被保险人