刘学良副省长强调 要高度重视 狠抓落实 做好当前全省森林防火工作

来源 :黑龙江政报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jacobyuanwei
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9日,省政府召开全省春季森林防火工作紧急电视电话会议。刘学良副省长在会上讲话指出,我省今年春季森林防火形势异常严峻,全省各级政府和森林防火部门要高度重视,狠抓落实为主,努力做好以下五项工作,最大限度地减少森林火灾造成的损失,最大限度地保护国家和人民生活财产安全。首先,要坚决落实责任。要按照国家林业局局长贾治邦同志的要求,认真落实各个层次的森林防火责任:一是认真落实各级领导者的责任。各级政府的主要领导要把森林防火工作作为当前林区第一 On the 9th, the provincial government held an emergency teleconference for the province’s spring forest fire prevention work. Vice Governor Liu Xueliang pointed out at the meeting that the situation of forest fire prevention in our province is extremely severe this spring. The governments at all levels in the province and the forest fire prevention departments should attach great importance to this project and make every effort to implement the following five tasks so as to maximize Reduce the losses caused by forest fires and maximize the safety of the life and property of the country and people. First, we must resolutely implement the responsibility. In accordance with the requirements of Comrade Jia Zhibong, director of the State Forestry Administration, earnestly implement the responsibilities of forest fire prevention at all levels: First, conscientiously implement the responsibilities of leaders at all levels. The main leaders of all levels of government should regard the work of forest fire prevention as the first priority in the forest area
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