
来源 :中国预防医学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qf0909
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目的为了掌握农村水厂的管网末梢水水质和卫生状况,确保农村居民饮水卫生安全。方法选择有代表性的农村水厂的管网末梢点开展基本情况调查,并对不同水处理方式的水厂的和不同水源类型的水,在丰、枯水时期进行采样监测,按照国家《生活饮用水卫生标准》(GB5749-2006)进行评价。结果选择能代表全省的县(市)区为监测点,被选的448个乡镇有78.0%以上的农村人口饮用了农村集中式工程的给水;管网末梢水以不同水处理方式和采用不同水源水的水质综合指标丰、枯水期的合格率为分别为84.9%和85.7%。结论农村水厂管网末梢水水质综合指标合格率较低,主要是水厂水处理工艺不完善,消毒不够规范等所致。 Purpose In order to grasp the water quality and sanitary conditions of the pipe network in rural waterworks and ensure the hygiene and safety of rural residents drinking water. Methods Select the representative rural water pipe network to carry out the basic situation of the end point of the pipe network, and different water treatment plants and different types of water sources, in abundance, dry period sampling monitoring, in accordance with national “life Drinking water health standards ”(GB5749-2006) for evaluation. Results The counties (cities) that could represent the whole province were selected as the monitoring points. Among the 448 villages and towns selected, over 78.0% of the rural population drank drinking water from rural centralized projects; water from the pipe network was treated differently and with different methods Water source water quality indicators Feng, dry season pass rates were 84.9% and 85.7%. Conclusion The comprehensive index of peripheral water quality of rural water pipe network is low, which is mainly caused by the imperfect water treatment technology of waterworks and the inadequate disinfection.
●香菇:味甘香,有养胃益气功效。香菇中有一种香菇多糖成分能增强机体的细胞和体液免疫功能。香菇与鱼、肉类煮食、达到扶正补气的作用。 ● mushrooms: sweet, has the eff
综述了液敏传感元件性能研究的实验原理、方法、过程和实验结果,并对其实用意义进行了探讨。 The experimental principle, method, process and experimental results of li