Heat Transfer Effectiveness of Three-Fluid Separated Heat Pipe Exchanger

来源 :Journal of Thermal Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sunweidong123
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A heat transfer model for three-fluid separated heat pipe exchanger was analyzed,and the temperature transfer matrix for general three-fluid separated heat exchanger working in parallel-flow or counter-flow mode was obtained.It was found that the forms of temperature transfer matrix are similar for heat pipe rows with equal or different heat transfer surface area.Furthermore,by using the temperature transfer matrix of the heat pipe exchanger,the relationship between heat transfer effectiveness θ 1,θ 2 and M,NTU,U,Δt i were derived for the exchanger operating in parallel-flow or counter-flow mode,and a simple special example was adopted to demonstrate the correctness of these relationships. A heat transfer model for three-fluid separated heat exchanger exchanger was analyzed, and the temperature transfer matrix for general three-fluid separated heat exchanger working in parallel-flow or counter-flow mode was obtained. It was found that the forms of temperature transfer The same heat transfer effectiveness θ 1, θ 2 and M, NTU, U, Δt i are used by the temperature transfer matrix of heat pipe exchanger were derived for the exchanger operating in parallel-flow or counter-flow mode, and a simple special example was adopted to demonstrate the correctness of these relationships.
为摸清我校历届学生视力低下率及比率的动态规律,现将我校13届学生在校三年的视力低下情况作一动态分析。1 方法按国际视力表标准要求,每学期给学生查裸眼视力,并配合近视力
一个篱笆三个桩,一个好汉三个帮,要成就一番事业,就必须有人帮忙。夺取政权依靠将军浴血奋斗,巩固政权依靠文臣出谋划策。毛泽东、蒋介石都深知这个道理。  1948年11月,平津形势趋紧,蒋家王朝大势已去,但蒋介石不甘心失败。为了将中国有才能的人尽数揽入怀中,使共产党掌管国家政权后出现文化断层、谋士缺乏、贤人荒芜的尴尬局面,蒋介石一方面授意蒋经国、朱家骅、傅斯年等,磋商谋划“抢救”平津学术、教育界知名人