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1964年10月16日,中国成功地进行了第一颗原子弹爆炸试验。 1966年10月27日,中国又成功地进行了导弹核武器首次发射试验。 1970年4月25日,中国用长征1号运载火箭成功地发射了第一颗人造地球卫星。 “两弹一星”的试验成功,凝聚着新中国科学技术事业的伟大奠基者聂荣臻元帅的血汗。新中国建立之初,中国科学技术的底子非常薄弱,许多技术领域都是空白,聂帅就是在这面临挑战的时代,承担起领导全国科学技术工作之责。他多次讲:中华民族要自立于世界民族之林,就必须大力发展科学技术,在科学技术上落后,势必会被动挨打。他在号召全国科学技术工作者团结奋斗,尽快把我国科学技术搞上去时,曾反复引用陈毅元帅“你们把导弹、原子弹搞出来了,我这个外交部长的腰杆子就硬了,我们国家在国际上的地位也就不同了”的讲话来激励科技工作者。聂帅身体力行,为振兴我国科学技术,尤其是国防尖端科学 On October 16, 1964, China successfully conducted the first atomic bomb explosion test. On October 27, 1966, China successfully conducted the first launch test of missile nuclear weapons. On April 25, 1970, China successfully launched its first man-made earth satellite with the Long March 1 launch vehicle. The successful trial of “two bombs and one satellite” embodies the blood and sweat of Marshal Nie Rongzhen, the great founder of the cause of science and technology in new China. At the beginning of the founding of New China, the foundations of science and technology in China were very weak. Many of the technology fields were blank. Nie Shuai was in the era of facing challenges and assumed the responsibility of leading the work of science and technology throughout the country. He said many times: If the Chinese nation wants to be independent from the world’s ethnic groups, it must develop its science and technology vigorously and lag behind in science and technology. It is bound to passively beaten. When he called on all the scientists and technicians in the country to work hard in unity and bring China’s science and technology to work as soon as possible, he repeatedly quoted Marshal Chen Yi. “You brought out missiles and atomic bombs. My Foreign Minister’s waist and pole are hard. Our country is in the international On the position will be different ”speech to inspire scientists. Nie Shuai personally, in order to rejuvenate China’s science and technology, especially national defense cutting-edge science
在幼龄桔园套种紫云英 (Ⅰ )、套种 (混播 )黑麦草和紫云英 (Ⅱ )、不套种 (Ⅲ )及套种黑麦草 (Ⅳ ) ,分析和模拟了下垫面性状和降雨与土壤流失量的关系及规律 .套种牧草使土
为防止焊接烟尘对人体的危害,防止中毒及焊工尘肺的发生,最近,我们研究开发了多功能焊接头盔。 多功能焊接防护头盔由盔体、活动护目镜、送风带、送风软管及调节气阀等部分组