1996年3月19日,举世闻名、家喻户晓的著名数学家陈景润与世长辞了.数学天空上这颗光芒耀眼的灿烂明星,划破长空,一闪而过,瞬时无影无踪. 陈景润的出现是在我国经历磨难的“文革”十年之后,百废待兴,科教复苏,好象在黯淡了很久的天空升起的一颗耀眼的巨星,它发出的奇光异彩照亮了那个时代青年前进的路.今天,在那个时代成长的孩子或者走过来的人,在陈景润传奇式精神鼓舞下,很多人已为祖国的四化建设做出了光辉卓越的贡献.当他们
March 19, 1996, the world-famous, well-known famous mathematician Chen Jingrun died in this math sky this bright star of brilliant, pierced the sky, fleeting, instantaneous disappear. Ten years after the hard-fought “Cultural Revolution” in our country, the blossoming superstar rising in the darkness for a long time seems to be in full swing. Today, many children who have grown up in that era or who have come and inspired by the legendary spirit of Chen Jingrun have made brilliant and outstanding contributions to the four modernizations of the motherland. When they