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这里地势险峻,历来被视为兵要之地。从春秋战国直到明、清,两千多年间烽火不息。这里曾留下了历代帝王将相、达官贤士、文豪武侠、名流高僧、神医巧匠的足迹,也有他们美丽而神奇的传说故事。这里民俗淳朴独特,民宅石街、石院、石柱、石墙、石梯、石楼就地取材,以石构造与自然风光浑然一体,极其壮观。这里是革命老区,抗日战争时期,八路军一二九师在刘伯承、邓小平的领导和指挥下,创建了太行区(晋冀豫边区)。发轫于太行山的游击战,先后形成许多重要战略区。这里分布有形态各异的峰、峦、台、壁、峡、瀑、潭、泉、涧、溪,是我国北方山水的典型代表。绿浪滔天的林海,刀削斧劈的悬崖,千姿百态的山石,如练似银的瀑布,碧波荡漾的深潭,雄奇壮丽的庙宇,引人入胜的溶洞,令人神往的传说。景点有实有虚,有明有暗,有光有色,有奇有险,巧夺天工,自然景观和人文景观珠联璧合,相映成趣。巍巍太行山,把三晋大地拥入怀中,哺育了无数英雄儿女,人杰地灵,谱写出一曲曲惊天动地的赞歌。 The steep terrain here has always been regarded as a military necessity. From the Spring and Autumn Period until the Ming and Qing dynasties, more than two thousand years flames. Here has left behind the emperors will phase, Magistrate, Literary martial arts, celebrities monks, craftsmen’s footsteps, but also their beautiful and magical legend. Here simple and unique folk customs, residential Shijie, stone courtyard, stone columns, stone walls, stone staircase, stone floor made available, stone structure and natural seamless, extremely spectacular. Here is the old revolutionary base areas. During the period of the Anti-Japanese War, the 129th Route Army of the Eighth Route Army under the leadership and command of Liu Bocheng and Deng Xiaoping created the Taihang District (the Shanxi-Hebei-Henan border area). Guerrilla warfare in the Taihang Mountains, has formed many important strategic areas. Here are distributed in various forms of peaks, Luan, Taiwan, wall, gorge, waterfall, lake, spring, stream, river, is a typical representative of the northern landscape of China. Green sea monstrous forest, cut ax ax cliff, rock and roll in different poses and with different expressions, such as practicing silver waterfall, blue waves of the deep pool, majestic temples, fascinating cave, fascinating legend. There are real and imaginative attractions, there are bright and dark, bright and colored, strange and dangerous, brilliant, natural landscape and cultural landscapes complement each other, side by side. Towering the Taihang Mountains, the Sanjin into the arms of the earth, nurturing numerous heroes and children, old times, compose a song earth-shattering hymn.
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