MPS/CAS Partner Group on Nanostructured Materials

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As one of the first Partner Groups which were initiated to foster scientific exchange and interaction between the Max Planck Society (MPS) and the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), the Partner Group led by Lu Ke was established on April 1, 1999. During the past five years, the group has received substantial support from the CAS for equipment and from the MPS for personnel and travel expenses. Extensive and productive collaborations between the research staff and students of the Partner Group with several professors (departments) in the Max Planck Institute for Metals Research (MPI-MF) have led to significant advances in synthesis, mechanical properties, melting and superheating of nanostructured metals. The research is well recognized internationally and a substantial number of publications in high quality, peer-reviewed journals (including Science and Physical Review Letters) have resulted. At the MPI-MF, Ke Lu has collaborated with Manfred Ruhle and Reinhard Luck on crystallization studies, with Eric As one of the first Partner Groups which were initiated to foster scientific exchange and interaction between the Max Planck Society (MPS) and the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), the Partner Group led by Lu Ke was established on April 1, 1999. During the past five years, the group has received substantial support from the CAS for equipment and from the MPS for personnel and travel expenses. the Extensive and productive collaborations between the research staff and students of the Partner Group with several professors (departments) in the Max Planck The research is well recognized internationally and a substantial number of publications in high quality, peer-reviewed journals (including Science and Physical Review Letters) have resulted. At the MPI-MF, Ke Lu has collaborated with Manfred Ruhle and Reinhard Luck on crystallization studies, with Eric
The Partner Group does research in cosmology, focussing on the quantitative modeling of the structure and evolution of galaxies and galaxy clusters, the patter
根据建设部科技工作计划安排,建设部办公厅日前就组织申报2005年《建设部科学技术项目计划》的有关事项通知如下: 一、重点申报的技术领域建设领域信息化;城镇规划、建设与