A Dual-mode Nonlinear Model Predictive Control with the Enlarged Terminal Constraint Sets

来源 :自动化学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jz1120
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Aiming at a class of nonlinear systems with multiple equilibrium points, we present a dual-mode model predictive control algorithm with extended terminal constraint set combined with control invariant set and gain schedule. Local LQR control laws and the corresponding maximum control invariant sets can be designed for finite equilibrium points. It is guaranteed that control invariant sets are overlapped each other. The union of the control invariant sets is treated as the terminal constraint set of predictive control. The feasibility and stability of the novel dual-mode model predictive control are investigated with both variable and fixed horizon. Because of the introduction of extended terminal constrained set, the feasibility of optimization can be guaranteed with short prediction horizon. In this way, the size of the optimization problem is reduced so it is computationally efficient. Finally, a simulation example illustrating the algorithm is presented. Aiming at a class of nonlinear systems with multiple equilibrium points, we present a dual-mode model predictive control algorithm with extended terminal constraint set combined with control invariant set and gain schedule. Local LQR control laws and the corresponding maximum control invariant sets can be designed for finite equilibrium points. It is guaranteed that control invariant sets are overlapped each other. The union of the control invariant sets is treated as the terminal constraint set of predictive controls. The feasibility and stability of the novel dual-mode model predictive control are with both the introduction of extended terminal constrained set, the feasibility of optimization can be guaranteed with short prediction horizon. In this way, the size of the optimization problem is reduced so it is computationally efficient. Finally, a simulation example illustrating the algorithm is presented.
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