领导带头 武装先行 全民参与——彭州市学习贯彻《国防法》的做法

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今年3月14日,《中华人民共和国国防法》颁行后,四川彭州市按照《国防法》的要求,在全市宣传贯彻《国防法》,使全市干部职工和人民群众的国防观念、爱国意识得到提高,为加强国防建设,依法履行兵役义务奠定了坚实的基础。其做法是: 领导干部带头学习贯彻,以实际行动落实《国防法》。4月28日,市武委会、市国防动员委员会成员认真学习了《国防法》,并把为武装工作办实事作为贯彻《国防法》的具体行动。他们当场拍板:从市财政拨款12.6万元,用于改造武装部大门,为民兵应急营添制训练器材,更换民兵武器库防盗设备;市财政从今年起每年列支1.5万元,作为全市开展国防教育活动的经费;各机关局行列支5000元,乡(镇)和 On March 14 this year, following the enactment of the “Defense Law of the People’s Republic of China,” Pengzhou City, Sichuan Province, publicized and implemented the “National Defense Law” in accordance with the requirements of the “National Defense Law,” so that the city’s cadres and workers, the people and the people’s national defense awareness and patriotism Have been enhanced and laid a solid foundation for strengthening national defense construction and fulfilling military service obligations in accordance with the law. The approach is: Leading cadres take the lead in studying and implementing the “National Defense Law” with practical actions. On April 28, members of the Municipal Military Commission and the Municipal Commission for National Defense Mobilization conscientiously studied the “National Defense Law,” and took the actual operation of armed work as a concrete move to implement the “National Defense Law.” They made the spotlight on the spot: 126,000 yuan was allocated from the municipal finance department to transform the door of the armed forces department, to train training equipment for the militia emergency battalion and to change the anti-theft equipment for the militia arsenal. The municipal finance department has allocated 15,000 yuan each year since the beginning of this year, Funds for national defense education and activities; branches of various agencies and counties supported 5,000 yuan, townships (towns) and counties
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