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他似乎有点“另类”“我愿意与自己赛跑,为未来拼命努力,追求一种意义非凡的生命”“我是条鱼,喜欢在大海中畅游;我是只鹰,喜欢在天空中翱翔,个人创业的艰难我不畏惧!”他是这样说的,也是如此做的。他做事认真,他为人率直,他认为做事就是做人。1998年,他来到京城,从此与装修业结下不解之缘。他很有预见性地意识到内地装修业若一味走“中式”的路子,好景不会太长。“不久,京城装修业将刮起”港台“大风,所以采他山之石,丰富内地装修业很重要。”与京城其他几大装修门户的掌门人相比,“外来”的他显得简单而另类,他介入行业不久,却率先重视港台及国外设计,他就是恒通利德装饰的董事长杨晓明。貌不惊人,语不出众,却一石击起千层浪,业内对杨晓明却是有些印象。 He seems a bit “alternative ” “I am willing to race with myself, hard work for the future, the pursuit of an extraordinary life ” “I am a fish, like to swim in the sea; I am an eagle, like Soaring in the sky, I am not afraid of the difficulties in starting a business! ”He said so and so. He works seriously, he is straightforward, he thinks doing things is a man. In 1998, he came to the capital, and then settled with the decoration industry indissoluble bond. He is very predictively aware of the interior decoration industry if you go blindly, “Chinese” way, the good times will not be too long. “Soon, the capital decoration industry will blow up ” Hong Kong and Taiwan “gale, so mining the stones of other mountains, enriching the interior decoration industry is very important. ” And the capital of several other major decoration portal owners, “ Foreign ”he appears simple and alternative, he was involved in the industry soon, but the first to pay attention to RTHK and foreign design, he is the chairman of Hengtong Lead Decoration Yang Xiaoming. The appearance is not alarming, the language is not outstanding, but a stone struck Melaleuca waves, the industry is somewhat impressed by Yang Xiaoming.
著名行业分析师,Custer咨询集团总裁Walt Custer先生向那些为安然度过2009年风浪而庆幸的公司发出警示:2010年也不会是可以盲目乐观的一年。他将和IPC市场调查 Walt Custer,