缅甸的矿产资源十分丰富,有的矿产品享誉世界。缅甸的红宝石闻名遐迩,缅甸翡翠独领风骚。过去,缅甸国家控制矿藏开采,垄断珠宝业,但实际上难以控制,大量珠宝走私他国。 自1988年以来,缅甸转向市场经济,走上较前开放的道路。为了发展缅甸珠宝业,政府引导和鼓励私人合法从事珠宝业。对此也采取了一些切实可行的措施,并已取得初步成效。
Burma’s mineral resources are very rich, some mineral products world-renowned. Burmese rubies are famous, Myanmar emerald dominate. In the past, Burmese countries controlled the exploitation of mineral resources and monopolized the jewelery industry, but in reality they were hard to control and a large number of jewels smuggled into other countries. Since 1988, Myanmar has shifted to a market economy and has embarked on a path of more opening up. In order to develop the Myanmar jewelry industry, the government guides and encourages private and legal jewelry industry. In this regard, some practical measures have also been taken and initial results have been achieved.