国航CA407航班从拉萨起飞,围绕珠穆朗玛峰转270度之后,降落在尼泊尔首都加德满都国际机场,整个过程仅一个小时。天气晴朗时,在万米高空可以清晰地俯瞰到8848.13米高的珠峰每一个细节,其王者气概尽收眼底。运气足够好的话,还有可能看到马卡鲁峰、洛子峰、卓奥友峰等其它三座8000米以上的雪峰。这是全世界唯一一条飞越喜马拉雅山的航线,要知道,在尼泊尔乘坐螺旋桨的观光小飞机去欣赏珠穆朗玛峰美景(赏峰飞行Mountain Flight),可要另外支出170美元的
Air China flight CA407 took off from Lhasa and landed at the Kathmandu International Airport in Nepal, around the 270th turn of Mount Everest. The whole process took only an hour. When the weather is sunny, in the height of 10,000 meters can clearly overlook the 8848.13-meter-high Mount Everest every detail, the king of the atmosphere panoramic view. If the luck is good enough, it is still possible to see the other three peaks of over 8,000 meters, such as Makalu, Lhotse and Cho Oyu. This is the only airline in the world that has overflew the Himalayas, knowing that taking a small propeller sightseeing plane in Nepal to enjoy Mount Everest (Mountain Flight) costs an additional $ 170