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  Reminiscences of      Qian Fu
  By Zhou Jun
  Just the other day, I read a news story about Qian Fu attending the Bo’ao Forum for Asia in April 2011 in the capacity of the highest-ranking advisor of the Cross-Straits Common Market Foundation. This reminds me of talking with Cheng Fade in the late 1990s. Cheng Fade (1929-2004) was a grandnephew of Hu Shi (1891-1962), a great scholar who pioneered the New Culture Movement and the vernacular revolution in the early 20th century. Cheng Fade passed away in 2004. During the talk, he reminisced what he knew about Hu Shi. He also told me about his childhood friendship with Qian Fu (born in 1935).
  The following is what I remember about Qian Fu and his father Qian Siliang from the conversation I had with Cheng Fade in the late 1980s.
  Qian Fu was born in Shanghai. His father was Qian Siliang (1907-1983), who passed away while serving as president of Academia Sinica, Taiwan.
  Qian Siliang was from the Hangzhou-based Qian clan, descendents of Qian Liu, the king of Wuyue Kingdom (907-978) during the Five Dynasties period. Cheng remembered seeing the three sons of Qian Siliang for the first time. They wore the traditional long gown and the small skullcap. They were already gentlemen even when they were so young. The men in the Qian clan all had slightly protruded forehead, a facial feature that could be traced back to their common ancestor Qian Liu. The three brothers had the signature forehead. When World War Two broke out, Qian Siliang, dean of Chemistry Department of Beijing University, came to Shanghai where he ran a chemical business. Qian Siliang’s father was Qian Hongye, who served as the justice of a special court of criminal in Shanghai. As he refused to work for Japanese, he was assassinated on July 29, 1940 on his way back to home for lunch by special agents of the puppet Chinese government working with Japanese invasion army.
  Cheng Fade remembered the day the friendship between Qian Fu and him started. It was a day Cheng’s mother was playing Mahjong with his maternal grandmother Jiang Dongxiu (the wife of Hu Shi), Qian Fu’s mother, and Mrs. Li, the wife of a prominent specialist of ophthalmology and otorhinolaryngology. Qian Fu had come with his mother. He was six years younger than Cheng. Cheng came home after school and found the four women playing Mahjong. They teased him for his look. Cheng was extremely embarrassed. Qian Fu came over. The two kids ran out. Their friendship started when they were running together.
  In the summer vacation that year, Cheng went with his maternal grandmother Jiang Dongxiu to stay at Qian Siliang’s House for the summer vacation. It was a three-storied house. The boys slept on the floor of the study. They did somersaults on the mats. They had an extremely good time together. They now and then played a ball on the rooftop veranda when they took a break from homework.
  After the war, the Qians moved back to Beijing and Qian Siliang resumed his deanship at the Chemistry Department. Dr. Hu Shi came back to Beijing and became the president of Beijing University. His wife Jiang Dongxiu went back to Beijing to join him. Cheng Fade studied at Fu Jen University in Beijing, where he met Qian Fu again. Qian Fu was a middle school student at that time. The friendship between them somehow had a touch of restraint.
  Qian Siliang went to Taiwan in January 1949 at the invitation of Fu Sinian, president of Taiwan University. Qian Siliang worked as dean of Chemistry Department and director of general academic affairs. He later became president of Taiwan University. His 19-year presidency at Taiwan University was uneventful thanks to his principle of governing by non-interference. He ruled against political impact and ensured academic freedom on the campus. He did little changes to the existing system established by Fu Sinian, who upheld freedom, self-examination, and criticism as the mission guideline for the university.
  It was not until Qian was gone and the university got embroiled in some unwanted events that people missed Qian’s wisdom in keeping the university focused on free studies and away from trouble. Some people commented that what was special about him was the man achieved so much whereas nothing about him was special.
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