Application of MEP Method to the Study of statistical Properties of Random Waves

来源 :China Ocean Engineering | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qwe007wc
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—The maximum entropy principle(MEP)method and the corresponding probability evaluationmethod are introduced,and the maximum entropy probability distribution expression is deduced in mo-ment of the second order.Fully developed wave height distribution in deep water and wave height and peri-od distribution for different depths in wind wave channel experiment are obtained from the MEP method,and the results are compared with the distribution and the experimental histogram.The waveheight and period distribution for the Lianyungang port is also obtained by the MEP method,and the re-sults are compared with the Weibull distribution and the field histogram. - The maximum entropy principle (MEP) method and the corresponding probability evaluation method are introduced, and the maximum entropy probability distribution expression is deduced in mo-ment of the second order. Published well height distribution in deep water and wave height and peri-od distribution for different depths in wind wave channel experiment are obtained from the MEP method, and the results are compared with the distribution and the experimental histogram. waveiness and period distribution for the Lianyungang port also also obtained by the MEP method, and the re- sults are compared with the Weibull distribution and the field histogram.
满拉水电站位于西藏雅鲁藏布江支流年楚河上游, 海拔高度达4 200 m 。计算机监控系统应充分考虑海拔高度的影响, 系统应简单可靠, 重要的部件具有足够的可靠性等。针对这一需求, 通过
去年,一些年轻的游泳选手与我们熟知的泳坛老将一起创造了辉煌的历史,2003年对于他们来说又将会是大展宏图的一年。 Last year, a number of young swimmers and our well-k