675名替牙期儿童腭扁桃体肿大与前牙反合关系的调查分析附属口腔医院正畸科汪小文,隋采莓关键词扇桃体,反 ,儿童中图法分类R788一般认为,扁桃体肿大者的舌体可因呼吸困难和咽部疼痛而前伸,从而带动下颌向前,形成前牙反和下颌前突畸形。但临床发现,多数无明...
Analysis of 675 palatal tonsil enlargement and anterior crossbite in children with secondary periodontal disease Orthodontics, Stomatological Hospital Affiliated Stomatology Wang Xiaowen, SuiSui raspberry Keywords FanTong, anti, children Classification of the law R788 It is generally believed that tonsil enlargement The tongue of the patient may be due to dyspnea and pharyngeal pain and advance, so as to drive the jaw forward, the formation of anterior teeth and mandibular protraction. But the clinical findings, the most ignorant ...