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一、问题的提出 某市A、B两企业生产同一种商品,A企业生产该商品的时间早于B企业,生产的规模也大于B企业。B企业将A企业商品的照片用于其企业及商品介绍的印刷品广告之中,并向用户推介。为此,A企业向法院起诉B企业不正当竞争、侵犯A企业的法人名称权。 将他人的商品冒充为自己的商品在广告中向用户推介,除了构成不正当竞争行为外,是否还构成侵犯他人名称权行为?应当如何适用法律? 二、对商品生产者的反向假冒与不正当竞争 “假冒”通常也称作“冒充”、“混充”。所谓假冒是指欺骗性地模仿他人的商标、商号、形象及服务或商品的类似显著性特征。 假冒他人商品可以分为两种,一是在自己的商品上冒用他人的名称,这是正向假冒,在实践中较为常见;二是在他人的商品上使用自己的名称,即所谓的反向假冒。本文所涉及的对商品生产者的反向假冒是将他人生产的商品 First, the issue put forward A city A, B two enterprises to produce the same commodity, A production of the commodity earlier than the B business, the scale of production is also greater than the B business. Company B uses a photograph of Company A for its print advertisements for the company and product introduction and introduces it to the user. To this end, A company sued the court B unfair competition, violation of the corporate name of A’s business. To impersonate other people’s products to advertise to users in their advertisements, in addition to constituting acts of unfair competition, whether it constitutes an infringement of the names of others behavior? How should the law be applied? Second, the counterfeiting of goods producers and not Just as competition “counterfeit” is often referred to as “impersonation” and “confusion”. The so-called counterfeit means fraudulent imitation of other people’s trademarks, trade names, images and services or goods of similar salient features. Counterfeit goods can be divided into two kinds, one is fraudulent use of the name of others on their own goods, which is the forward counterfeit, in practice is more common; the second is to use their own names on other people’s goods, the so-called reverse Fake. The counterfeit to commodity producers involved in this article is the production of others’ goods
除非你的家长给我山万美金,否则我昆不 气之乙夕 醚 要 娜 氮 卜 欲 决 牡 诈愁造蓄 鼠载 卜茂二之忿,沙卜‘侣j‘几 看看书包里有什么, 瓤 彩笔和气球. 瞥 嘴 …戴才 公止__
“ATV新闻,医学院教授张益仁先生推出‘快乐精灵’产品,使用者只要戴上头盔,并按下开关,就会产生快乐的感觉,目前已通过人体完全测试,没有后遗症。” “ATV News, medical s
我喜欢吹泡泡。虽然我已不再是那个满脸稚气,用哭闹来获取自己想要的东西的小女孩了,但我仍然喜欢吹泡泡,这是为什么呢? 那小小的瓶子里装着用洗洁精兑成的泡泡水,也装着我的