Analysis on landscape planning and practice of ecological agriculture experiential Sightseeing Park

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  Abstract:In recent years,with the rapid development of urbanization and the continuous improvement of urban residents' social productivity and living standards,agricultural sightseeing park combining agriculture and tourism has been favored by many urban consumers. In just a few decades,domestic agricultural tourism parks have developed rapidly. Some large and medium-sized cities not only have a considerable scale of agricultural tourism park,but also develop their own characteristics of tourism agricultural management mode. In addition,people living in urbanization urgently need a piece of rural life full of natural scenery,enjoy the beautiful rural scenery,experience rich leisure activities,relax body and mind,effectively promoting the development of agricultural sightseeing park.
  Key words:ecological agriculture,experiential Sightseeing Park
  Chapter 1 Introduction
  1.1 Research background
  Since the reform and opening up,China's economy and urbanization have developed rapidly. Although the city has brought convenience to modern life,there are still many problems,such as traffic congestion,deterioration of living environment,aggravation of urban-rural contradictions and so on. With the deterioration of the ecological environment and the tension of life rhythm,it is an urgent task for the residents living in the city for a long time to relax and have a green,beautiful and clean environment.
  Chapter 2 Exploration and development practice of eco agricultural experiential Sightseeing Park
  1. What is ecological sightseeing park
  In the process of human understanding the development law of natural ecology,it means that human beings realize the maintenance,which is put forward in the process of understanding the development law of natural ecology. The importance of maintaining ecological balance and development,and actively coordinating the relationship between man and nature. Ecology covers development,lifestyle,science and technology,etc. the application of ecology effectively realizes the balance between human activities and natural resources,and is an effective means to maintain the sustainable development of human development and ecosystem.
  2. Planning and design strategy of suburban agricultural sightseeing park under the concept of experience
  The planning is guided by the experience concept,combined with the natural resources of the park,adapts measures to local conditions,protects the ecology and develops moderately. The design is based on the local cultural symbols and people-oriented. In the process of experience activity planning,the local agricultural experience resources should be fully developed,and the rich and diverse experience activities with local characteristics should be planned,so that tourists can fully experience the collection of various entertainment and landscape.   Conclusion:Tourism experience is the inevitable trend of agricultural development. It is a special form of mining agricultural added value through the combination of the first industry and the third industry. On the basis of fully considering its own advantages and challenges,this paper has formed a tourism agriculture development idea with the theme of "ecology + experience",and formed "folk culture experience area,holiday leisure area,ecological agriculture sightseeing park and agricultural education experience park. In view of their shortcomings,the corresponding development countermeasures are put forward,and the resource added value is divided into four layout modes:closed type,central type and radiation type In order to give full play to the expected role of added value of resources.
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