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今年,中美间的经贸摩擦此起彼伏。其实,这个问题并不值得大惊小怪,真正让人担忧的,是这个问题背后扎扎实实存在着的美国的贸易保护主义力量,即使有时这种力量并不由政府主导。2003年,中美贸易逆差、人民币汇率等问题被炒得沸沸扬扬,并被有些人用来论证“不公平竞争”、美国工人的失业以及制造业的衰落等问题。一时间,似乎所有问题都可以从这只筐子里找到一个堂而皇之的理由。但在这些错位的因果关系背后,一个“难于启齿”的事实是,中国加入WTO使美国本已面临激烈国际竞争的制造业“如履薄冰”。在这种时候,美国很需要找到一个“替罪羊”。责怪别人远比自己面对现实更加容易和简单。然而,美国试图通过贸易争端掩盖自身贸易保护主义行为的做法,不仅无益于问题的解决,而且也不能从根本上使美国国内相关产业复兴。美国的钢铁等产业已经发生过类似的事情。中美经贸关系中,到底在哪些方面存在摩擦?从本期起,我们推出“中美经贸关系中的摩擦点”系列,予以介绍。另外,本期张运成的《构建正常中美经贸关系的战略性思维》一文也很值得一读。朱文晖著文《香港经济步入新的上升周期》,从题目就可以看出,作者对香港经济的未来充满了信心。信心来自何处?读完该文后就会有答案。———主持人手记 This year, trade and economic friction between China and the United States came one after another. Actually, this issue is not worth the fuss. What really matters people’s concern is the solidly protected U.S. trade protectionism behind this issue, even though sometimes such power is not led by the government. In 2003, the trade deficit between China and the United States and the exchange rate of RMB were all soaring and were used by some people to argue such issues as “unfair competition”, the unemployment of U.S. workers and the decline of manufacturing. For a time, it seems that all the problems can be found in this basket a generous reason. However, behind these dislocation causation, a “hard to tell” fact is that China’s accession to the WTO has left the manufacturing industry in the United States, already facing fierce international competition, “on the trail.” At this time, the United States needs to find a “scapegoat.” Blaming others is far easier and simpler than confronting reality. However, attempts by the United States to cover up its own trade protectionism through trade disputes are not only not conducive to the solution of the problems, but they can not fundamentally revitalize the related domestic industries. Similar events have taken place in the U.S. steel industry. In the end, what are the frictions in Sino-U.S. Economic and trade relations? Starting from this issue, we will introduce the series of “friction points in Sino-U.S. Economic and trade relations” and introduce them. In addition, Zhang Yuncheng’s “Strategic Thinking of Constructing a Normal Sino-U.S. Economic and Trade Relations” in this issue is also worth reading. Zhu Wenhui’s article “Hong Kong’s economy has entered a new upward cycle,” we can see from the title that the author is full of confidence in the future of Hong Kong’s economy. Where does the confidence come from? After reading the article there will be an answer. --- Host Notes
阳光照耀在窗口,似热情的孩子,给窗台披上了一件华丽的金衣。教室里传出了阵阵热烈的掌声,似小精灵在空中跳跃着,原来,是我们班正在进行“新一届的班干部竞选”呢!  老师大声宣布:“请竞选班长的同学上台演讲。”我立马自信地举起了手,可往旁边一看,航那肉嘟嘟的肥手也笔直地伸在那儿。瞬时,我的心冷了大半截,似乎有一块石头压在了上面,让我喘不过气来。  航慢悠悠地走上了讲台,清了清嗓子,发表了自己的演讲。虽然
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2006年10月,一年一度的黑龙江省哈尔滨市南岗区教学比赛“百花奖”揭晓,复华小学在参赛的40多所学校中获奖率遥遥领先。这样的成绩,复华小学已保持多年。 October 2006, Har
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