(一) 看电影时,我们常见到这样的情节:火车站上,一对情深意绵、形影相依的亲人即将告别,此去前途未卜,依依难舍。此时,“鸣——”地一声,汽笛长鸣,车轮“咣噹咣噹”地转动起来。人物的感情也随之进入最高潮。观众也被带入这种氛围情绪之中,得到一种美的感受。电影《牧马人》一开始,就用一系列音响造成一种艺术氛围;响脆的鞭哨声,浑厚的吆喝声,奔騰的马蹄声,萧萧的风雨声,配上那“天苍苍,野茫茫”的塞外画面,一下就将观众引进了那特定的艺术境界。
(1) When we were watching movies, we often saw such a plot: At the railway station, a pair of affectionate and shadowy relatives will say goodbye to each other, and the future is uncertain. At this time, the “whisper--” sounds, the siren sounds, and the wheels are “turning and jingling”. The character’s feelings also followed the highest tide. The audience was also brought into this mood and got a feeling of beauty. At the beginning of the film “Wrangler”, it used a series of sounds to create an artistic atmosphere; a crisp whistling whistle, a vigorous humming sound, a galloping horseshoe sound, and a thundery sound of rain and rain, coupled with “the sky is green and the wilderness” The extravagant image of the audience will introduce the audience to that particular artistic realm.