
来源 :上海口腔医学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:luowencheng7758258
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目的:观察无颞下颌关节症状和体征的无牙颌患者修复前后双侧颞下颌关节(TMJ)盘-髁关系、关节腔积液及髁突骨质异常的变化。方法:通过8例无牙颌患者全口义齿修复前后双侧颞下颌关节的磁共振成像(MRI)检查,比较其修复前后双侧颞下颌关节MRI影像表现的差异。结果:修复前,8例无牙颌患者的16个关节中,10个关节盘移位(62.5%),包括7个关节盘内侧移位(43.8%),2个关节盘外侧移位(12.5%),1个关节盘前移位(6.25%);关节腔积液7个关节(43.8%);髁突骨质异常4个关节(25.0%)。修复后,8例无牙颌患者的16个关节中,10个关节盘移位(62.5%),包括7个关节盘内侧移位(43.8%)、2个关节盘外侧移位(其中1个关节盘外侧移位好转)和1个关节盘前移位(6.25%);关节腔积液7个关节(43.8%);髁突骨质异常4个关节(25.0%)。除1个关节的积液增加外,其余关节积液无变化。结论:长期缺牙可能引起无牙颌患者颞下颌关节的结构紊乱。无牙颌患者全口义齿修复后近期,关节盘移位、关节腔积液及髁突骨质异常无明显改变。 OBJECTIVE: To observe the changes of bilateral temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disc-condyle, joint effusion and condylar osteoarthrosis before and after restoration of edentulous patients without temporomandibular joint symptoms and signs. Methods: Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of bilateral temporomandibular joint was performed before and after restoration of complete denture in 8 cases of edentulous patients. The differences of MR imaging before and after the repair of bilateral TMJ were compared. RESULTS: Of the 16 joints in 8 patients with edentulous jaws, 10 (79.5%) had dislocation (62.5%) in 16 of the 8 patients with edentulous jaws, including 7 displaced medial (43.8%) and 2 displaced %), One anterior shift (6.25%), seven joints (43.8%) of joint effusion, and four joints (25.0%) of condylar bone anomaly. After repair, 10 of the 16 joints in 8 patients with edentulous jaw were displaced (62.5%), including 7 inboard disc displacement (43.8%) and 2 outboard disc displacement (1 of them (6.25%) anterior disc displacement; 7 joints (43.8%) of joint effusion; 4 joints (25.0%) of condylar bone anomaly. In addition to a joint effusion increased, the remaining joint effusion no change. Conclusion: Long-term edentulous teeth may cause structural disorder of temporomandibular joint in edentulous patients. Edentulous patients with complete denture repair near term, disc displacement, joint effusion and condylar bone anomalies no significant change.
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