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一、国有林区在森林经营方面做了大量工作,取得了很大成绩在各级党政领导和主管部门的正确领导下,随着林业事业的蓬勃发展,国有林业企业改革不断深化,企业营林工作迅速发展,取得了很大成绩。(一)改革开放以来,特别是近几年来,基本上做到了更新跟上采伐由于多方面的原因,过去企业营林工作走过不少弯路。经过多年的探索,各级企业主管部门从实际出发,在企业营林管理和生产上进行了深入的改革,总结出适合我国森工企业营林发展的不少成功经验,已基本做到了加快培育,控制消耗,努力实现森林资源长大于消。到1992年底,国有林区采伐总面积932万 hm~2,到1993年底迹地更新总面积达到921万 hm~2,迹地更新率达到99%,基本上还清了旧帐,不欠新帐。此外,荒山荒地造林、水湿地造林、低产林改造保存面积达到151万 hm~2,更新造林总面积已达1071万 hm~2,做到这一点是很不容易的。 First, the state-owned forest area has done a great deal of work in forest management and made great achievements. Under the correct leadership of party and government leaders and competent departments at all levels, with the vigorous development of forestry, the reform of state-owned forestry enterprises has been deepened. The rapid development of forest has made great achievements. (A) Since the reform and opening up, especially in recent years, basically done to keep up with updates Logging due to many reasons, in the past, business management through a lot of detours. After years of exploration, the competent departments of enterprises at all levels set out from the reality and carried out in-depth reforms in the management and production of forest management, summed up many successful experiences that suit the development of forest management in China’s forest industry and basically accelerated the cultivation , Control consumption, and strive to grow more than consumption of forest resources. By the end of 1992, the total area harvested in the state-owned forest areas had reached 9.32 million ha, up to 921 million hm 2 by the end of 1993, with an updated rate of 99%, basically repaid the old account and did not owe any new account. In addition, afforestation on barren hills and wastelands, afforestation on wetlands, and preservation of low-yield forests have reached an area of ​​1.15 million hm 2, and the total area of ​​afforestation has reached 10.71 million hm 2. This is not easy.
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