
来源 :锻压技术 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:GaryCong
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在大锻件锻造过程中,实时掌握锻件几何尺寸信息才能很好地指导后续生产加工,对提高生产效率和资源利用率有重大影响。传统的离线式人工测量方法逐渐被非接触式测量方法取代。结合热态轴类锻件的特点,提出了一种基于线结构光和双目视觉的轴类大锻件在线测量系统,重点介绍了点云边缘提取、自动化分割、椭圆拟合与关键几何尺寸提取等算法。最后通过实验验证了该测量方法的可行性和准确性,并分析了误差的产生原因。实验结果表明:本系统可在2 min完成1次测量,最大测量长度可达10 m,直径和长度的测量误差可以分别控制在3%和1.5%以内。 In the process of forging forgings, it is important to grasp the geometrical information of the forgings in real time to guide the follow-up production and processing greatly, which has a significant impact on improving production efficiency and resource utilization rate. Traditional off-line manual measurement methods are gradually replaced by non-contact measurement methods. Based on the characteristics of hot shaft forgings, an on-line measuring system of shaft forgings based on linear structure light and binocular vision was proposed, focusing on point cloud edge extraction, automatic segmentation, ellipse fitting and key geometric dimension extraction algorithm. Finally, the feasibility and accuracy of the measurement method are verified by experiments, and the causes of the errors are analyzed. The experimental results show that the system can complete one measurement in 2 min and the maximum measurement length can reach 10 m. The measurement errors of diameter and length can be controlled within 3% and 1.5% respectively.
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