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近年来,图书馆精神、图书馆员的核心能力、图书馆员职业道德等课题,在图书馆学界已经有过较多的讨论。但在热烈的议论与具体的实践之间,总有一定的距离,真正的效用更难以评说。新年之际,吴建中先生、范并思先生的两封学术通信,把以上各个问题之间的相互关系,在逻辑上勾联起来了,初步建构了“图书馆员:职业精神与核心能力”的研究命题。编辑部认为,这一命题,对于中国图书馆学理论发展和图书馆管理实践创新,应该具有十分重要的意义。现将吴、范两位的学术通信原文发表,作为《图书馆杂志》关于这一专题研讨的开篇,我们衷心希望全国图书馆学界和各级各类图书馆工作者积极参与这场讨论,共同为当代中国图书馆事业的健康发展,贡献自己的聪明才智。 In recent years, the library spirit, the core competence of librarians, librarian professional ethics and other topics have been discussed in the academic circle of the library. However, there is always a certain distance between the heated discussion and concrete practice, and the real utility is even more difficult to comment on. On the occasion of the New Year, the two academic communications by Mr. Wu Jianzhong and Mr. Fan Bingsi both logically link up the interrelationships between the above issues, and preliminarily construct the research proposition of “librarian: professionalism and core competence” . The editorial department believes that this proposition should have great significance to the development of the theory of library science and the innovation of library management in China. Now, the original academic communications between Wu and Fan are published. As the opening ceremony of this symposium on “Library and Magazine”, we sincerely hope that the academic circles of our country and all kinds of library workers at all levels will actively participate in this discussion. For the healthy development of contemporary Chinese library career, contribute their own wisdom.
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