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自去年下半年以来,几乎所有的商业企业都患了一种“资金饥渴症”,到处都在向银行告急求援。特别是中小型商业企业,呼声最高,反映最强烈,大有嗷嗷待哺之势。而来自金融部门的确凿材料证明,银行实行了紧缩银根“一刀切”的政策,压缩了商业贷款额度,从而影响到商业企业的正常贷款指标。根据商业方面的正常流通规律,笔者认为应从以下五个方面分析流通中资金紧张的原因: 第一,流通环节多,资金分流。仅以百货批发行业为例,一个地市过去只有国营百货公司或百货站从事批发经营,而现在一个地市从事百货行业批发业务的就有二、三十家,再加上工业的自销批发,流通渠道或环节为以前的十几倍。如此多的渠道和环节,都需要银行开闸供应资金。 Since the second half of last year, almost all commercial enterprises have suffered from a kind of “fund hunger and thirst” and they have been rushing to the banks for help. In particular, small and medium-sized commercial enterprises have the highest demands and reflect the most intense ones. The conclusive material from the financial sector proves that banks have tightened the monetary policy of “one size fits all”, which has reduced the amount of commercial loans and thus affected the normal loan targets of commercial enterprises. According to the normal circulation law of commerce, the author believes that the reasons for the shortage of funds in circulation should be analyzed from the following five aspects: First, there are many circulation links and funds are diverted. Take the department store and wholesale industry as an example. In the past, only one state-owned department store or department store was engaged in wholesale business in a prefectural market. Today, there are two or thirty companies in the wholesale trade of a department store in the prefectural market, plus the wholesale and wholesale of industry. , circulation channels or links are more than ten times before. With so many channels and links, banks need to open their gates to supply funds.
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唐代诗人祖咏,洛阳人,为盛唐前期的田园山水派诗人。公元725年(开元十二年),他到长安应试。在考场作应制诗,规定要作十二句,他只作了四句就交卷了,这种“止其当止”的为文范例,重温一下,也许不无益处。  他的主考官为杜绾,在《新唐书》中有名无传,唯知出身高门望族。这位主持考政的学官,让我很钦佩,因为他不那么教条主义,而且心怀宽广,按今天的话来说,能够接受,或虽不接受,但能够理解新新人类的新颖创造,实