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在初中信息技术教学中,为提高效率,增加学生的学习兴趣,应以实践为纲,提高学生的动手能力是目前我国推广素质教育中突出强调的部分,采用任务驱动型教学,以任务的完成促进学生广泛的锻炼自己的动手能力,在实践中摸索,理解知识的内涵,做到理论联系实际,加深对知识的实际掌握程度,以练促学,以学提升技能水平。在课堂上,调动学生的主体地位,教师以学生为中心进行指导,引导学生自己去发现问题,解决问题,把学生的专注力集中到信息技术的实际应用上来。构建和谐师生关系,拉近与学生间的距离,做到无障碍沟通,及时反馈教学效果信息,加强对学生学习吸收情况的信息反馈,时时做到心中有数。 In the junior high school information technology teaching, in order to improve the efficiency and increase students ’interest in learning, practice should be taken as the key link to improve students’ practical ability. At present, our country emphasizes on the promotion of quality-oriented education. By adopting task-driven teaching, Promote students’ extensive exercise of their practical abilities, explore and understand the connotation of knowledge in practice, and make the relationship between theory and practice deepen the actual mastery of knowledge in order to promote learning and learn to improve their skills. In the classroom, to mobilize the dominant position of the students, teachers guide students to the center, to guide students to discover problems, solve problems and focus the students to the practical application of information technology. Build a harmonious relationship between teachers and students, to narrow the distance between students, to achieve barrier-free communication, timely feedback on teaching effectiveness of information, to enhance the learning of students to absorb information feedback, from time to time be aware of.
Six new indole alkaloid sulfonic acids(1–6), together with two analogues(7 and 8) that were previously reported as synthetic products, were isolated from an aq
通过实例 ,介绍了一种新型管材在油田污水输送中的应用情况 ,并与其它类管线进行了各项指标对比 ,表明该类管线具有较好的综合性能和性能价格比 ,适用于油田内各种有腐蚀性和
期数页码14 14 15 15 15 1616不妨学一点价值工程学—廉价家用车系列漫谈之四十企盼与理智—,97上海国际汽车工业展览会印象之三从“广州标致”法方被要求撤股看轿车工业的危