Spatial Variability of Soil Properties and Rice Yield Along Two Catenas in Southeast China

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In the light of an increasing demand for staple food, especially rice, in southeast China, investigations on the specific site potential expressed as the relationship between soil and crop yield parameters gain increasing importance. Soil texture and several soil chemical parameters as well as plant properties such as crop height, biomass and grain yield were investigated along two terraced catenas with contrasting soil textures cropped with wet rice. We were aiming at identifying correlative relationships between soil and crop properties. Data were analyzed both statistically and geostatistically on the basis of semivariograms. Statistical analysis indicated a significant influence of the relief position on the spatial distribution of soil texture, total carbon and total nitrogen contents. Significant correlations were found for the catena located in a sandstone area (Catena A) between rice yield and silt as well as total nitrogen content. Corresponding relationships were not detectable for paddy fields that developed from Quaternary clays (Catena B). As suggested by the nugget to sill ratio, spatial variability of soil texture, total carbon and nitrogen was mainly controlled by intrinsic factors, which might be attributed to the erosional transport of fine soil constituents, indicating the importance of the relief position and slope in soil development even in landscapes that are terraced. The crop parameters exhibited short ranges of influence and about one third of their variability was unexplained. Comparable ranges of selected crop and soil parameters, found only for Catena A, are indicative of close spatial interactions between rice yield and soil features. Our findings show that especially in sandstone-dominated areas, a site-specific management can contribute to an environmentally safe rice production increase. In the light of an increasing demand for staple food, especially rice, in southeast China, investigations on the specific site potential expressed as the relationship between soil and crop yield parameters gain increasing importance. Soil texture and several soil chemical parameters as well as plant properties such as crop height, biomass and grain yield were investigated along two terraced catenas with contrasting soil textures cropped with wet rice. Were both identifying correlative relationships between soil and crop properties. Data were analyzed both statistically and statically on the basis of semivariograms. Statistical analysis shows a significant influence of the relief position on the spatial distribution of soil texture, total carbon and total nitrogen contents. Significant correlations were found for the catena located in a sandstone area (Catena A) between rice yield and silt as well as total nitrogen content. Corresponding relationships were not detectab le for paddy fields that developed from Quaternary clays (Catena B). As suggested by the nugget to sill ratio, spatial variability of soil texture, total carbon and nitrogen was mainly controlled by intrinsic factors, which might be attributed to the erosional transport of fine soil constituents, indicating the importance of the relief position and slope in soil development even in landscapes that are terraced. The crop parameters showed short ranges of influence and about one third of their variability was unexplained. Comparable ranges of selected crop and soil parameters, found only for Catena A, are indicative of close spatial interactions between rice yield and soil features. Our findings show that especially in sandstone-dominated areas, a site-specific management can contribute to an environmentally safe rice production increase.
爱因斯坦曾说:“兴趣是最好的老师。”由此可见,兴趣对于学习物理是非常重要的,它贯穿于整个物理学习的始终,也是学习成绩优异的关键。那么,教师怎样激发中学生对物理学习的兴趣呢?本文从教师因素、教学方式和师生关系三个方面进行论述。    一、教师因素    物理教师除应具有系统的基础知识和技能外,还应驾驭好课堂语言。教师在授课中可以根据教学进程和学生的情绪反应,随机应变地穿插一些生动幽默的话语。例如某学
学生学习方式的转变是生物课程改革的显著特点。作为新课程实施的实践者,我认为在生物学习活动中,学生动手实践、自主探究、合作交流必须建立在自主探究学习方式的基础上,如此才能进行有效的生物学习活动。那么教师在生物教学中怎样才能使学生实现有效的自主探究学习呢?    一、课堂教学要突出一个“活”字    自主探索学习突出一个“活”字。学生原有认知结构被唤起,思维被激活,他们就能积极、主动、自主地探究新知。
摘要: 生物教师在实验教学中做好实验准备,创新原有实验, 并把改验证性实验改为探究性实验,补充有关的实验,进行探究式教学,既有利于学生学习能力的提高,又有利于学生个性特长的发展。更重要的是在探究的过程中,学生从中能懂得如何去学习,获得知识和信息。  关键词: 生物探究性实验教学“生成过程”    新教材的开放性,要求教师创设和谐、宽松、民主的教育环境,最大限度地发挥学生学习的主动性、能动性和创造性
摘要: 探究性学习是生物新课标所倡导的重要的学习方式,探究教学是为学生进行探究学习创造条件,使学生在主动参与获得知识的过程中,培养探究能力,形成探究未知世界的科学精神和科学态度。文章对生物探究教学中的问题及其对策进行探析。  关键词: 生物学科探究教学问题解决策略    新课程已实施数年,但笔者发现,由于有的教师对探究教学领悟有偏差,在实施过程中,一些方式方法严重偏离了新课标的方向,致使探究教学浮
摘要: 利用科学发展观作为指导,推进大学生学风建设是高校一项长期而艰巨的任务,也是在高等教育大众化背景下提高教育质量,培养优秀人才的重要举措。本文在辩证分析当前学风状况的基础上,提出了加强学风建设的对策建议。  关键词: 科学发展观高校学风建设    “在新的发展阶段继续全面建设小康社会、发展中国特色社会主义,必须坚持以邓小平理论和‘三个代表’重要思想为指导,深入贯彻落实科学发展观”是胡锦涛总书记
摘要: 本文从普通高校国防教育军事训练教学大纲颁布与实施的情况出发,概述了目前普通高校国防教育课程的实施现状和存在的问题,在此基础上就普通高校国防教育课程的体系构建与内容设置进行了研究。  关键词: 高校国防教育课程体系    普通高校开设的国防教育军事课程以国防教育为主线,以军事理论教学为重点,旨在通过军事教学使学生掌握基本军事理论与军事技能,增强国防观念和国家安全意识,强化爱国主义、集体主义观
将环境教育有机地渗透到生物教学之中,是生物新课程的特点之一。生物新课程构建起人与生物圈和谐发展的课程内容新体系,把课程目标中提高学生科学素养的要求落到了实处。    一、环境教育的内涵    环境教育是一种信息教育,目的在于丰富学生的环境保护意识。学生会了解温室效应、水体污染等环境问题,了解生态平衡与人类的关系,了解环境恶化所带来的后果,了解他们在环境问题的产生和预防中所起的作用。  环境教育是一