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识字、写字、组词、了解词意是低年级语文教学的重要内容,也是学生语文素养形成和发展的基石。新课改下的语文课堂,教师注意了有意识地进行识字、写字、组词、了解词意的训导,但却缺少必要的练习。课堂上“君子动口不动手、不思考”的现象普遍存在。语文教学始终在有效与无效之间徘徊。那么,怎样才能改变这种“高耗低效”的局面呢?《窗前的气球》教学的正反两个案例能给我们一定的启示。 Literacy, writing, group vocabulary, understanding of word meaning is an important part of lower grade Chinese teaching and is also the cornerstone of the formation and development of students’ Chinese accomplishments. Under the New Curriculum, teachers pay attention to consciously conducting literacy, writing, group building, and understanding of word meaning but lack necessary practice. Classroom “gentlemen move without thinking,” the phenomenon of widespread. Chinese teaching has always lingered between effective and ineffective. So, how can we change the situation of “high consumption and low efficiency”? The positive and negative cases of “the balloon in front of the window” can give some enlightenment to us.
《土地储备资金会计核算办法(试行)》,统一和规范了土地储备资金的会计核算,但在实践应用中也暴露出一些问题和不足。本文从实践角度进行分析,提出了改进建议。 The Account