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各市人民政府,省政府有关部门:为认真贯彻落实党的十六届三中全会精神和全国农村工作会议以及国务院关于保护基本农田的要求,经省政府研究,现结合我省实际,对进一步加强和改进高速公路绿色通道建设作如下通知:一、认真贯彻国务院关于进一步治理整顿土地市场秩序紧急通知精神,正确处理好高速公路绿色通道建设与保护基本农田的关系,坚决贯彻执行国家关于基本农田“五不准”的要求,严禁占用基本农田挖塘养鱼、种树造林,切实加强基本农田保护,提高农业特别是粮食综合生产能力。二、严格执行国发[2000]31号文件和省政府关于贯彻31号文件,加强绿色通道建设的有关规定,高速公路、铁路、国道、省道沿线绿化带建设,原则上,新建、改建、扩建的道路沿线绿化带宽度每侧严格按5至10米进行规划设计,有条件的地区可加宽到10米以上。城市规划区内的公路、铁道旁的防护林带宽度每侧按30至50米进行规划设计,有条件的地区可加宽到50米以上。各地要严格执行标准,不得随意扩大范围。三、对已经建设的绿化带,要鼓励农民搞好林粮间作,套种瓜果蔬菜和宜农作物,促进增加农民收入。要认真落实省政府关于林业改革的有关政策规 Municipal People’s Governments and Provincial Governmental Departments: In order to conscientiously implement the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 16th CPC Central Committee and the National Rural Work Conference and the State Council’s requirements on the protection of basic farmland, the study by the provincial government now reinforces the actual situation in our province And to improve the green expressway highway construction as follows: First, conscientiously implement the State Council on further rectifying the order of the land market emergency alert, correctly handle the highway green channel construction and the protection of basic farmland, and resolutely implement the national basic farmland It is forbidden to occupy the basic farmland to dig ponds for fish cultivation, plant trees and afforestation, effectively strengthen the protection of basic farmland and enhance the comprehensive capacity of agriculture, especially food production. Second, the strict implementation of the State [2000] No. 31 document and the provincial government on the implementation of the No. 31 document to strengthen the construction of the green passage of the relevant provisions of highway, railway, national highway, provincial green belt along the line, in principle, the new construction, alteration, Expansion of the road along the green belt width in strict accordance with 5 to 10 meters for planning and design, conditional areas can be widened to more than 10 meters. The width of shelterbelts beside the highways and railroads in the urban planning area shall be planned and designed on each side by 30 to 50 meters. Where possible, the area may be widened to more than 50 meters. All localities must strictly implement the standards and may not arbitrarily expand their scope. Third, we must encourage farmers to do a good job of intercropping forest and food crops, planting fruits and vegetables and crops suitable for the afforestation belt that has been built, and promoting the increase of peasants’ income. We must conscientiously implement the provincial government on forestry reform policies and regulations
据《中国安全生产报》报道 ,今年 4月 2 4日 ,中国石油化工股份有限公司山西运城石油分公司半坡油库发生一起特大火灾事故。半坡油库位于山西省运城市盐湖区陶村镇石碑庄村 ,
作物遗传育种·种质资源1(1)利用水稻BAC克隆对Gm-2和Gm-6在药用野生稻中的FISH定位 覃 等1(5)基因枪法获得GNA转基因小麦植株的研究 徐琼芳等1(9)小麦品种糊化特性研究 阎 俊等1(14)大豆对 SMV3号株系的抗性遗传分析
哈里斯微波半导体公司声称,它已生产出采用砷化镓工艺的世界首批商品化数字集成电路。器件的速度高达目前最快的硅基集成电路的五倍。 这些新产品是由哈里斯公司发展的大批