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58岁的万德明给人的印象是从容稳健、机敏智慧。这位16岁当学徒,没有进过高等学府的企业家,却有着自己独特的治厂之道和经营策略。自掌上海第二毛纺织厂帅印11年来,这个原来生产滑波、效益下降、人心涣散的老企业面貌一新,各项经济指标连续11年位居全国同行之首,国有资产含量增长近20倍,企业资本积累已近2亿,仅去年就出口创汇2000万美元,企业纯利润6600多万元。 “二毛”厂之所以能发展成为全国毛麻行业的佼佼者,与万德明善抓机遇,迎难而上,通过兼并、联营、控股等形式,在更大范围内盘活国有资产存量的战略密不可分。在别人看来,那些经营不善,负债累累、生产萎缩的亏损企业是不大敢碰的“大包袱”,谁背了谁倒霉。但万德明则不然,他的辩证法很简单:企业也有两面性,关键的是要切准它的“病脉”,是技术、管理、设备问题还是市场、资金问题,找到病根后,或者“输血”、或者“给氧”、或者“进补”、或者“切除”。总之,对症下药,恰到好处,就能够药到病除,使企业得以新生。而兼并后的亏损企业一旦得救, Wan Deming, 58, gives the impression of being steady and alert. The 16-year-old apprentice, did not enter the institutions of higher learning entrepreneurs, but it has its own unique Zhizhi Road and business strategy. Owned the second wool textile factory in Shanghai Shuai India 11 years ago, the original production slippery waves, the decline in benefits, the heart of the old business look new, the economic indicators for 11 consecutive years among the nation’s counterparts, the state-owned assets increased nearly 20 times the accumulated capital of nearly 200 million enterprises, only last year on export 20 million US dollars, corporate profits of more than 6600 million. The reason why “Er Mao” Factory can develop into a leader in the national Mao Ma industry, and Wan Deming good grasp of opportunities, facing difficulties, through mergers, associates, holdings, etc., in a broader context of the strategic activation of the stock of state-owned assets Inseparable In the view of others, those poor enterprises that run poorly, are heavily indebted, and have shrunk their production are “big baggage” that they dare not touch. Wang Deming is not the case, his dialectics is simple: companies also have two sides, the key is to cut its “disease” is the technology, management, equipment or market, capital problems, find the root cause, or “blood transfusion ”Or“ give oxygen, ”or“ tonic, ”or“ cut. ” In short, the right medicine, just right, you can medicine to sick, so that enterprises can be reborn. The loss-making mergers and businesses once saved,
AIM: To compare the effect, adverse events, cost-effectiveness and dose intensity (DI) of oral Xeloda vs calcium folinate (CF)/5-FU combination chemotherapy in